Occupy Boston

From wiki.occupyboston.org
Revision as of 19:31, 28 December 2011 by OneKarma (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to the Occupy Boston Wiki!

Wiki.OccupyBoston.org is a collaborative, autonomous, and informative space dedicated to Occupy Boston. This wiki is maintained by thoughtful individuals with the belief that unrestricted access to information promotes transparency and participation, strengthening the foundation for a mutually responsible community. As authors, we want to not only create the most compelling content, but also organize it in the most intuitive manner. A wiki generally organizes itself as it expands, but here are a number of guidelines for reference.

Occupy Boston stands in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, which may be seen as a consequence of the same inspirations that birthed the Arab Spring. In the aim of equalizing the power of individual voices, we employ a direct democracy.

Read Occupy Boston's Declaration of Occupation, consented to by the General Assembly on 29 November 2011
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What is Solidarity?

Solidarity can be defined as a unifying bond between individuals with a common goal or enemy.[1] Émile Durkheim's definition strongly supports the meaning of the Occupation:

[S]ocial solidarity is maintained in more complex societies through the interdependence of its component parts (e.g., farmers produce the food to feed the factory workers who produce the tractors that allow the farmer to produce the food).[2]


Help us build a superstructure of knowledge. Our community relies on every individual. Education yourself and others in the unending, compassionate cycle of learning and teaching.


Please contact the Media working group via their Google Group to Update this Calendar. [This contact may require an update]

<googlecalendar>?src=9o90ot6pl8bjmgjpe37bv5ht44%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/New_York" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="600" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0"></googlecalendar>

Under Construction

Please be patient as we work to make this the best possible collaborative space for Occupy Boston.

Thank you!