Facilitator Intro Noah, Anna Addendum: this is NOT the main democratic body, this is the culmination of horizontalism Remember this is a non-violent discussion. Please join facilitation meetings @5 weekdays, 4p weekends, at the federal reserve plaza. Discussion of hand signals. WG announcements Facilitators Tonight is first new schedule of GAs, Sun Tue Thur Sat We have a proposal in process, please come to the public mtg tomorrow @7p in front of fed. Fundraising Announce new group, purpose to meet with donors and other occupies who will support us. Donations to be placed in credit union, used for shelter, food, growing, etc. Volunteers plz stop by info booth. Street Theater (Steven) New group, gather street performers amateur to professional. Know any, or are one, or want to help organize within and without? Contact info at info tent tonight, we'll pick it up tmrw and set first meeting. Free Market (Bill) We have no underwear…plz donate! FSU (Eden) We need volunteers, we need drupal programmer, plz see me. See classes on OccupyBoston.org calendar. Individual Announcements John from Occupy Philly Hi! Plz bear with me, I bring a message! We want to start linking up. (reads announcement) "We, Occupy Philly, in solidarity w/ all other Occupations, offer a general msg to every other GA. We have used Direct Democracy, and we invite all to join us and organize a regional GA. We hope this will lead to national GA and eventually international GA, and also online GAs. We intend to establish direct GA to GA correspondence; we want transparency, openness. The process is important, and we are in an important moment. We appreciate this." Thank you! John I am MerrillGoldmanCitibank! I am from the 1% to make an announcement! We are directing our lobbyists to revise the pledge of allegiance to say what will more accurately reflect reality. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Corporate States of America and to the plutocracy for which it stands, pillaging the nation, under a faceless organization with liberty for the rich and justice for none!!! Our lobbyists will also demand daily recitation of this pledge. There ya go. WG proposal Justin We need a statement of purpose! It needs to be inclusive. I prop the SoP read as follows: "We the ppl who've occupied Dewey Square under the name Occupy Boston have done so to maintain a place where all voices will be welcome to openly discuss ideas, grievances, and potential solutions to problems inherent in our society. We will hold GAs to bring proposals to the group as a whole be consented to. We have and will continue to hold this space for the purpose of democracy." (BREAK: Anna + Noah explain the proposal process Q, Infos, Concerns/Objections, Supports, Amends, rereading prop, group disc) *restate proposal* Q Is this in response to media? No. I haven't been listening to media. I just think we should be clear…ppl are annoying me by asking why I'm here. Is this an individual proposal, or out of a working group? Originally individual, I formed a small WG that consented on it. (which one?) (statement of purpose WG) Can you envision Occupy Boston w/o dewey sq? Yeah. Theoretically, in my mind, OB is anybody in Boston who wants to Occupy any space for the purpose of democracy. Info (none) Concerns Don't necessarily disagree or agree with this prop; however i'm not convinced that we have quorum right now, and that's a pretty serious proposal. *facilitators explain quorum; vote for quorum* *agreement of quorum* I'm concerned that one paragraph is not enough to define why we're here. *explanation of concerns and restating proposals* I think it's too broad and I would like to see more specific points. I think it's closer to a value statement rather than statement of purpose. (POP: this is an amend) I am concerned that b/c it's not written down that we won't be able to amend it. Supports I support this b/c it mentions that GA process and consensus, and I think that's what we're here for. I support this partly b/c it is broad, b/c it is a value and a statement of purpose, not a specific declaration. We need something concrete and short. Amends Thank you, Mike! I amend that it include a broader global occupy movement in the language. I would like to include the idea that the current system of economically socially philosophically is not working for the majority of citizens in this country and internationally. Something along that. What about looking beyond physical occupation of Dewey Square or any other location for when this Occupation is over? We can't be here forever. *the crowd rumbles…* It's drawing a line in the sand. It's a statement of purpose that constantly challenges authorities, and I don't really see how a nonviolent can constantly challenge authorities in that way. So you should say "in Dewey Square or anywhere." *break process to reread the statement (it's short)* Should we include something about the horizontal nature of the voting structure in the statement? This minor -- it says "we will hold GAs" but we're currently holding GAs, it should be in the present tense. Addressing concerns I agree we should try and connect w/ all ppl, I don't think it's necessary in this statement. The 15th we ratified a document from occupy London we have already connected ourself with the global movement. I believe challenging the system is part of our goals, values, etc.; not about WHAT the purpose of being here is. I also don't imply that we are restricted to Dewey Square, just saying that we who are here are stating this purpose. We are definitely still trying to grow the movement as big as possible. The outline of the GA about how all voices are welcome for open discussion implies that all voices are equal in the democratic process. To say horizontal democracy defines something we don't need, any horizontal democracy is about equal voices so this is sufficient. I accept the present tense amendment. *restate proposal* Q is it possible to have statements of purpose? I'm not the arbiter; I think it is. In the future we should think about forming cohesive statements about this group and promote our values. I would say yes it is possible. Info On that note, our statement of internal solidarity is a living document, so one would assume that any statement of purpose would ALSO be a living document. Concerns Grammatical point, I believe (POP: amendment) Supports (none) Amendment I think the ending should be "consented to," grammatically speaking. "For promoting democracy" not just "for democracy." I think something about this being a living document should be included in the text, or the pretext or post-text but it should be part of it. *Justin revises, Noah explains block* Will not include living document, I think democracy is a language society and that it's already implied, anyone can apply to change anything thanks to GA process. Accept grammatical change. *restates proposal* *Noah asks for blocks* *Noah explains 75% consensus vote.* CONSENSUS ACHIEVED SHOW ME WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE! SHOW ME WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE! GA formally ends. Individual stack / open mic beings. GA officially over.