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=Vision Statement=
#REDIRECT [[Anti-Oppression]]
Our vision is to build a <ins>[[Anti-Oppression/Vision: Beloved Community | Beloved Community]]</ins> that constantly pursues (aspires to) collective liberation by progressively eliminating and challenging systems of internal, interpersonal and cultural oppression, that are manifested in race, class, gender, sexual identity, and physical, cultural and religious domination. (maybe stop here?)
We envision that we can accomplish this by employing an <ins>[[Anti-Oppression/Vision: Intergenerational | intergenerational]]</ins>, inclusive and <ins>[[Anti-Oppression/Vision: Intersectional | intersectional]]</ins> practice that holds its members accountable to a set of liberatory [http://www.bostoncoop.net/~balm/training/principles_antioppress.pdf | anti-oppressive values]. Our vision is for the practices learned and applied in our community [this working group] to become a transformative catalyst agent for the rest of the occupy movement and our communities at large.
Octber 8, 2011: GA proposal passed to hold an anti-racism workshop at a GA (held on Oct 16, 2011 - see below.)
== Meetings ==
*January 7, 2012: 5:30 pm, Arlington St Church. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - January 7, 2012]]
*December 28, 2011: 5:30 pm, Arlington St Church. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - December 28, 2011]]
*December 3, 2011: 5:30 pm, Community Change. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - December 3, 2011]]
*November 26, 2011: 5:30pm, Encuentro5. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - November 26, 2011]]
*November 12, 2011: 5pm, Encuentro5. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - November 12, 2011]]
*November 5, 2011: 5pm, Encuentro5. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2011]]
*October 30, 2011: Met at Community Change. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - October 30, 2011]].
*October 23, 2011: Met at Community Church Boston. [[Anti-Oppression Meeting Minutes - October 23, 2011]].
*October 13, 2011: The first anti-oppression working group meeting was held Thursday, October 13, at 6 PM.
*October 9, 2011: The Outreach committee met with Cynthia Peters to discuss issues that arise while trying to engage with the community at large. Ideas from this meeting generated a new anti-oppression working group. Notes from the meeting can be found here: [[Anti-Oppression Minutes CP Teach-in]].
* October 16, 2011: Anti-Oppression Workshop held during 7pm GA.
** Agenda: [[Anti-Oppression Workshop Agenda - October 16, 2011]]<br>
** Notes: [[Anti-Oppression Workshop Notes - October 16, 2011]]<br>
** Participant comments: [[Anti-Oppression Workshop Participant Feedback - October 16, 2011]]
Google Group: [http://groups.google.com/group/check_your_privilege_ob  check_your_privilege_ob]
link to law enforcement de-escalation tips: [[Safety - Law Enforcement]]
''Based on: [http://occupyboston.wikispaces.com/Anti-Oppression Anti-Oppression at wikispaces]''
[[Category:Working groups|Anti-Oppression]]

Latest revision as of 17:42, 9 March 2012

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