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= '''Banned in Boston on UNregular Radio'''=
= '''Banned in Boston on UNregular Radio'''=
“Banned in Boston” is an online radio show sponsored by Occupy Boston and broadcast live on the [http://radio.unregularradio.com/webplayer/index.html Uncensored Channel] of [http://www.unregularradio.com/ UNregular Radio] every Thursday night at 8 pm East Coast Time.  Repeat episodes are broadcast on [http://www.themetacomet.com/radio/ Metacomet Radio] and [http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ Occupy Boston Radio].  The show is brash, informative, relevant, and often funny.
“Banned in Boston” is an online radio show sponsored by Occupy Boston and broadcast live on the Uncensored Channel of UNregular Radio every Thursday night at 8 pm East Coast Time.  Repeat episodes are broadcast on [http://www.themetacomet.com/radio/ Metacomet Radio] and [http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ Occupy Boston Radio].  The show is brash, informative, relevant, and often funny.

===About the Show===
===About the Show===
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===Past Episodes===
===Past Episodes===
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston11-29-2012.mp3 Episode 14] John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry are joined by Anne Wolfe, a Tufts undergraduate who has been involved with the ongoing efforts of Occupy Sandy.  They also review labor issues as the Wal-Mart strike on Black Friday, the fast food restaurant strike happening in New York City, and a lawsuit against One World Cuisine in Boston.  Audio clips from Rob Potylo and Wishbone Zoe are included.
*Episode 17 "Occupy the NRA" (December 20, 2012) In the wake of the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT a week previously, Mark Provost, an Occupy Boston and Occupy NH whose "Occupy the NRA" initiative gained national attention, talks about gun control with John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, KC Hoye, Rene Perez, Nelson Terry, and Sage Radachowsky.  The group also listens to a plea from Mélida Arredondo, a local peace activist.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston11-22-2012.mp3 Episode 13] (November 22, 2012) Amy Banelis, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, K.C. Hoye, John Murphy and Sage Radachowsky recorded this show on Thanksgiving and devoted the hour to discussion of American Indian issues and the question of whether or not it's appropriate to celebrate Thanksgiving given it's historical context.  Special attention is given to the Day of Mourning protests attended by Ford and Radachowsky that same morning in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
*Episode 16 "Adam Greenberg and Pete Johnson" (December 14, 2012) In this episode centering on climate change and environmental issues has John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez. Nelson Terry, and Sage Radachowsky as co-hosts.  They are joined by two friends from Occupy Boston who recently returned from two different but related missions: Adam Greenberg, youth delegate to the UNFCCC COP18 Negotiations in Qatar, and Pete Johnson, just back from East Texas where he was arrested and pepper sprayed during an action opposing the XL Pipeline. 
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston11-15-2012.mp3 Episode 12] (November 15, 2012] This episode features John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez and Nelson Terry talking about the 2012 Anarchist Bookfair at Simmons College, Occupy Sandy efforts on Long Island, an impending Wal-Mart employees strike on Black Friday, civil unrest in Europe, and US support of Israel during the recent attacks on Gaza.  An election night audio clip from Vermin Supreme and Evan Greer performing "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" at the Whirlybird Coop in Brighton, MA are included as well.
*Episode 15 "Buck Bidner on Occupy Sandy" (December 6, 2012) Frank Capone of "Real News" on Occupy Boston Radio joins John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, KC Hoye, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry as they talk to Eric "Buck" Bidner, an Occupy Boston friend active in the ongoing relief efforts of Occupy Sandy.  Find out which one of the guys has an unprovoked attack of white male rage.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston11-08-2012.mp3 Episode 11] (November 8, 2012) This episode has Patrick Doherty, John Stephen Dwyer, K.C. Hoye, Jackie Soriano, Nelson Terry, and a phonecall from Ronny Nunez, a person involved with Occupy Sandy relief efforts.  The people in-studio also discuss the Massachusetts ballot question that would have legalized physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill and try to figure out if Dwyer is really pro-life or pro-choice.
*Episode 14 "Anne Wolfe on Occupy Sandy" (November 29, 2012) John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry are joined by Anne Wolfe, an Occupy Boston friend and Tufts undergraduate who has been involved with the ongoing efforts of Occupy Sandy.  They also review labor issues as the Wal-Mart strike on Black Friday, the fast food restaurant strike happening in New York City, and a lawsuit against One World Cuisine in Boston.  Audio clips from Rob Potylo and Wishbone Zoe are included.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston11-01-2012.mp3 Episode 10] (November 1, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 13 "Thanksgiving?" (November 22, 2012) Amy Banelis, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, K.C. Hoye, John Murphy and Sage Radachowsky recorded this show on Thanksgiving and devoted the hour to discussion of American Indian issues and the question of whether or not it's appropriate to celebrate Thanksgiving given it's historical context.  Special attention is given to the Day of Mourning protests attended by Ford and Radachowsky that same morning in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston10-25-2012.mp3 Episode 9] (October 25, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 12 "Anarcissism" (November 15, 2012] This episode features John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez and Nelson Terry talking about the 2012 Anarchist Bookfair at Simmons College, Occupy Sandy efforts on Long Island, an impending Wal-Mart employees strike on Black Friday, civil unrest in Europe, and US support of Israel during the recent attacks on Gaza.  An election night audio clip from Vermin Supreme and Evan Greer performing "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" at the Whirlybird Coop in Brighton, MA are included as well.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston10.18.2012.mp3 Episode 8] (October 18, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 11 "Truncated" (November 8, 2012) This episode has Patrick Doherty, John Stephen Dwyer, K.C. Hoye, Jackie Soriano, Nelson Terry, and a phonecall from Ronny Nunez, a person involved with Occupy Sandy relief efforts.  The people in-studio also discuss the Massachusetts ballot question that would have legalized physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill and try to figure out if Dwyer is really pro-life or pro-choice.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston10.11.2012.mp3 Episode 7] (October 11, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 10 "All Saints Day" (November 1, 2012) This episode features Lauren Chalas, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, Jay Kelly, Ali Press, Jeff Nunes, Sage Radachowshy and Nelson Terry discussing topics that include the heavy police presence in Salem on Halloween night, John Murphy's trolling, and whether or not climate disaster can be averted under a capitalist system. After hearing details about Occupy Sandy from phone-in guest Yoni Miller, the co-hosts talk to Cheryl and Fab from Occupy Oakland about their occupations and travels.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston10.4.2012.mp3 Episode 6] (October 4, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 9 "Climate Silence" (October 25, 2012) This episode has Lauren Chalas, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Nelson Terry, Rene Perez, Sage Radachowsky, Jackie Soriano and guest Marsha Marcum, a member of the Protest Chaplins and Director of Programs at the Better Futures Project who broke away from the Vigil to Break Climate Silence in Boston's Government Center to tell the show's listeners about their protest.  Then the group talks to Tang, a person in Texas involved with the Tar Sands Pipeline blockade.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/BannedInBoston9.27.2012.mp3 Episode 5] (September 27, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 8 "Policing Dissent" (October 18, 2012) This episode has John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez and Nelson Terry having a long conversation with Urszula Masny-Latos, Executive Director of the Massachusetts chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, about the recently-released ACLU/NLG report “Policing Dissent: Police Surveillance of Lawful Political Activity in Boston” and how it relates to them and their friends within the Occupy movement.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/Banned%20In%20Boston%2009-20-2012.mp3 Episode 4] (September 20, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 7 "Coming Out Day" (October 11, 2012) This show has John Stephen Dwyer, K.C. Hoye, Jay Kelly, Sage Radachowky, Jackie Soriano, Nicole Sullivan, and Nelson Terry. After talking (and joking) about National Coming Out Day, they get details on K.C. Hoye's “Walkabout” from Boston to DC. The co-hosts then talk about whether Irish-Americans have much in common with people of color, the “Sleepful Protest” in front of Bank of America, the politics of Columbus Day, and rape culture.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/Banned%20In%20Boston%2009-13-2012.mp3 Episode 3] [September 13, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 6 (October 4, 2012) Description not available.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/Banned%20In%20Boston%2009-06-2012.mp3 Episode 2] (September 6, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 5 "Whale Oil" (September 27, 2012) This episode has Lauren Chalas, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, Jay Kelly, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry discussing protests in response to austerity measures in Greece and Spain as well as why the United States hasn't experienced the dramatic, large-scale protests seen recently in Europe.  They also mention the Massachusetts Senate race, reality television, nuclear tension, Benjamin Netanyahu and flag burning.
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/bostonradio/podcasts/Occupy%208-30.mp3 Episode 1] (August 30, 2012) Description not available.
*Episode 4 "Anniversary Cake" (September 20, 2012) This episode features Lauren Chalas, Patrick Doherty, John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, Chris Maxield, John Murphy, Nicole Sullivan, and Nelson Terry discussing police conduct and other aspects of “S17,” a first anniversary event for Occupy Wall Street in New York City.  Chris Faraone, a writer for the Phoenix, joins them in the studio to talk about how the NYPD arrested him despite his being a journalist rather than a protestor.  Phonecalls from Rene Perez and Jeff Nunes round out the show.
*Episode 3 "Unnonymous" [September 13, 2012) This episode features John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, Eric Martin, John Murphy, Rene Perez and Nelson Terry talking about “S17,” the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, press coverage thereof, and Occupy grandstanding.  They discuss the dramatic arrest of Anonymous member and Trapwire-exposer Barret Brown and hear a musical composition by John Ford, “Whose Streets?”  Teacher strikes and other labor issues come up before the conversation returns to journalism.
*Episode 2 "Murphday" (September 6, 2012) This episode has John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez, Nicole Sullivan and Nelson Terry talking about the detention of Breana Manning (aka Bradley Manning) and issues surrounding it, including what to call Manning in light of indications that Manning identifies as female.  Other topics discussed include veganism, Israel and the otherkin community's demand for social justice.
*Episode 1 "Premier" (August 30, 2012) This premier episode has John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez, and Nelson Terry discussing the Republican National Convention and the militarization of the Tampa-area police departments.  They also talk about whether or not they'll vote for president, the implications of drone warfare, the detention of Breana Manning (aka Bradley Manning), and allies such as Veterans for Peace and National Lawyers Guild.

===99% Boston===
===99% Boston===
*“99% Boston,” a predecessor show to “Banned in Boston,” will be returning to Occupy Boston Radio in 2013.  Past episodes are available '''[[WG/radio/99%Boston|here]]'''.
*“99% Boston,” a predecessor show to “Banned in Boston,” will be returning to Occupy Boston Radio in 2013.  Past episodes are available '''[http://ninetyninepercentboston.wordpress.com/ here]'''.

===External Links===
===External Links===
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*[https://twitter.com/_BannedInBoston Banned in Boston on Twitter]
*[https://twitter.com/_BannedInBoston Banned in Boston on Twitter]
*[https://www.facebook.com/BannedBoston Banned in Boston on Facebook]
*[https://www.facebook.com/BannedBoston Banned in Boston on Facebook]
*[http://www.unregularradio.com/ Unregular Radio, main page]
*[http://radio.unregularradio.com/webplayer/index.html Unregular Radio, channel Uncensored]
*[http://www.themetacomet.com/ Metacomet Library and Metacomet Radio]
*[http://www.themetacomet.com/ Metacomet Library and Metacomet Radio]
*[http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ Occupy Boston Radio]
*[http://www.occupyboston.org/radio/ Occupy Boston Radio]

Latest revision as of 10:09, 9 August 2014

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Banned in Boston on UNregular Radio

“Banned in Boston” is an online radio show sponsored by Occupy Boston and broadcast live on the Uncensored Channel of UNregular Radio every Thursday night at 8 pm East Coast Time. Repeat episodes are broadcast on Metacomet Radio and Occupy Boston Radio. The show is brash, informative, relevant, and often funny.

About the Show

  • "Banned in Boston" is co-hosted by John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, Nelson Terry, John Murphy and Rene Perez with a revolving group of additional co-hosts that includes Jen Elias, K.C. Hoye, Jay Kelly, Sage Radachowsky, and Nicole Sullivan.
  • Most of the people involved with the show are radical activists who lived and worked at the Occupy Boston encampment until it was destroyed by Boston Police in December 2011. In the months that followed, these brave folks clashed with cops in DC, NYC and Chicago, some returning with stitches or broken ribs to prove it.
  • More than just angry protestors, the "Banned in Boston" crew consists of people who are working to transform themselves and society in positive ways. Their passion engages listeners whether they are trash talking governments, giving eyewitness reports of actions, or imagining what a better future could like like.
  • Because creativity is an essential part of social and political movements, the crew enjoys sharing audio from cool happenings they've attended in Greater Boston that range from groovy poetry readings and folksy basement shows to underground hardcore concerts and more. Besides what is played for you on the air, the gang posts video on YouTube and tweets out links to material elsewhere from its account on Twitter.

Past Episodes

  • Episode 17 "Occupy the NRA" (December 20, 2012) In the wake of the tragic shooting in Newtown, CT a week previously, Mark Provost, an Occupy Boston and Occupy NH whose "Occupy the NRA" initiative gained national attention, talks about gun control with John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, KC Hoye, Rene Perez, Nelson Terry, and Sage Radachowsky. The group also listens to a plea from Mélida Arredondo, a local peace activist.
  • Episode 16 "Adam Greenberg and Pete Johnson" (December 14, 2012) In this episode centering on climate change and environmental issues has John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez. Nelson Terry, and Sage Radachowsky as co-hosts. They are joined by two friends from Occupy Boston who recently returned from two different but related missions: Adam Greenberg, youth delegate to the UNFCCC COP18 Negotiations in Qatar, and Pete Johnson, just back from East Texas where he was arrested and pepper sprayed during an action opposing the XL Pipeline.
  • Episode 15 "Buck Bidner on Occupy Sandy" (December 6, 2012) Frank Capone of "Real News" on Occupy Boston Radio joins John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, KC Hoye, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry as they talk to Eric "Buck" Bidner, an Occupy Boston friend active in the ongoing relief efforts of Occupy Sandy. Find out which one of the guys has an unprovoked attack of white male rage.
  • Episode 14 "Anne Wolfe on Occupy Sandy" (November 29, 2012) John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry are joined by Anne Wolfe, an Occupy Boston friend and Tufts undergraduate who has been involved with the ongoing efforts of Occupy Sandy. They also review labor issues as the Wal-Mart strike on Black Friday, the fast food restaurant strike happening in New York City, and a lawsuit against One World Cuisine in Boston. Audio clips from Rob Potylo and Wishbone Zoe are included.
  • Episode 13 "Thanksgiving?" (November 22, 2012) Amy Banelis, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, K.C. Hoye, John Murphy and Sage Radachowsky recorded this show on Thanksgiving and devoted the hour to discussion of American Indian issues and the question of whether or not it's appropriate to celebrate Thanksgiving given it's historical context. Special attention is given to the Day of Mourning protests attended by Ford and Radachowsky that same morning in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • Episode 12 "Anarcissism" (November 15, 2012] This episode features John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez and Nelson Terry talking about the 2012 Anarchist Bookfair at Simmons College, Occupy Sandy efforts on Long Island, an impending Wal-Mart employees strike on Black Friday, civil unrest in Europe, and US support of Israel during the recent attacks on Gaza. An election night audio clip from Vermin Supreme and Evan Greer performing "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" at the Whirlybird Coop in Brighton, MA are included as well.
  • Episode 11 "Truncated" (November 8, 2012) This episode has Patrick Doherty, John Stephen Dwyer, K.C. Hoye, Jackie Soriano, Nelson Terry, and a phonecall from Ronny Nunez, a person involved with Occupy Sandy relief efforts. The people in-studio also discuss the Massachusetts ballot question that would have legalized physician-assisted suicide for the terminally ill and try to figure out if Dwyer is really pro-life or pro-choice.
  • Episode 10 "All Saints Day" (November 1, 2012) This episode features Lauren Chalas, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, Jay Kelly, Ali Press, Jeff Nunes, Sage Radachowshy and Nelson Terry discussing topics that include the heavy police presence in Salem on Halloween night, John Murphy's trolling, and whether or not climate disaster can be averted under a capitalist system. After hearing details about Occupy Sandy from phone-in guest Yoni Miller, the co-hosts talk to Cheryl and Fab from Occupy Oakland about their occupations and travels.
  • Episode 9 "Climate Silence" (October 25, 2012) This episode has Lauren Chalas, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Nelson Terry, Rene Perez, Sage Radachowsky, Jackie Soriano and guest Marsha Marcum, a member of the Protest Chaplins and Director of Programs at the Better Futures Project who broke away from the Vigil to Break Climate Silence in Boston's Government Center to tell the show's listeners about their protest. Then the group talks to Tang, a person in Texas involved with the Tar Sands Pipeline blockade.
  • Episode 8 "Policing Dissent" (October 18, 2012) This episode has John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez and Nelson Terry having a long conversation with Urszula Masny-Latos, Executive Director of the Massachusetts chapter of the National Lawyers Guild, about the recently-released ACLU/NLG report “Policing Dissent: Police Surveillance of Lawful Political Activity in Boston” and how it relates to them and their friends within the Occupy movement.
  • Episode 7 "Coming Out Day" (October 11, 2012) This show has John Stephen Dwyer, K.C. Hoye, Jay Kelly, Sage Radachowky, Jackie Soriano, Nicole Sullivan, and Nelson Terry. After talking (and joking) about National Coming Out Day, they get details on K.C. Hoye's “Walkabout” from Boston to DC. The co-hosts then talk about whether Irish-Americans have much in common with people of color, the “Sleepful Protest” in front of Bank of America, the politics of Columbus Day, and rape culture.
  • Episode 6 (October 4, 2012) Description not available.
  • Episode 5 "Whale Oil" (September 27, 2012) This episode has Lauren Chalas, John Stephen Dwyer, John Ford, Jay Kelly, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry discussing protests in response to austerity measures in Greece and Spain as well as why the United States hasn't experienced the dramatic, large-scale protests seen recently in Europe. They also mention the Massachusetts Senate race, reality television, nuclear tension, Benjamin Netanyahu and flag burning.
  • Episode 4 "Anniversary Cake" (September 20, 2012) This episode features Lauren Chalas, Patrick Doherty, John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, Chris Maxield, John Murphy, Nicole Sullivan, and Nelson Terry discussing police conduct and other aspects of “S17,” a first anniversary event for Occupy Wall Street in New York City. Chris Faraone, a writer for the Phoenix, joins them in the studio to talk about how the NYPD arrested him despite his being a journalist rather than a protestor. Phonecalls from Rene Perez and Jeff Nunes round out the show.
  • Episode 3 "Unnonymous" [September 13, 2012) This episode features John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, Eric Martin, John Murphy, Rene Perez and Nelson Terry talking about “S17,” the first anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, press coverage thereof, and Occupy grandstanding. They discuss the dramatic arrest of Anonymous member and Trapwire-exposer Barret Brown and hear a musical composition by John Ford, “Whose Streets?” Teacher strikes and other labor issues come up before the conversation returns to journalism.
  • Episode 2 "Murphday" (September 6, 2012) This episode has John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez, Nicole Sullivan and Nelson Terry talking about the detention of Breana Manning (aka Bradley Manning) and issues surrounding it, including what to call Manning in light of indications that Manning identifies as female. Other topics discussed include veganism, Israel and the otherkin community's demand for social justice.
  • Episode 1 "Premier" (August 30, 2012) This premier episode has John Stephen Dwyer, Jen Elias, John Ford, John Murphy, Rene Perez, and Nelson Terry discussing the Republican National Convention and the militarization of the Tampa-area police departments. They also talk about whether or not they'll vote for president, the implications of drone warfare, the detention of Breana Manning (aka Bradley Manning), and allies such as Veterans for Peace and National Lawyers Guild.

99% Boston

  • “99% Boston,” a predecessor show to “Banned in Boston,” will be returning to Occupy Boston Radio in 2013. Past episodes are available here.

External Links