Talk:WG/Peace Action

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Meeting Notes

December 18, 2011


Our events have beeen posted on the calendar. We have admin status to add names to the OB list. Meeting location for January 8 not set s yet. We do not know whom to contact about a name change.

We discussed the conflict we have with the prevailing "success story" if not victory, in Iraq.  We were united in the need to highlight all that still needs to be done to repair the incredible devastation and loss of life committed in that country in our name. 
Moving Forward

Bob is working on an article about the "End of the Iraq War" for the Boston Occupier and requests input. Bob is composing a mission statement for our working group and requests input. Plans reviewed for joint action at Copley Square First Night: Tabling followed by the parade. Spread the word especially in OB venues. Announce it at a GA. Talk it up at other meetings. Tabling from 3:00. Parade starts at 5:30. We will follow the offiicial parade. We need to identify ourselves as Occupy Boston for Peace!

December 11, 2011

Upcoming Peace Actions

Peace Vigils: We decided to accept the invitation to join two existing weekly peace vigils in need of more members rather than have our own on Saturdays @ Park St. Station from 1:00-3:00 and Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 in Copley Square (across Dartmouth St. from the library). Let's remember our identity as OB peace activists. We'll incorporate our identity on our signs and in our actions. Civil Liberties March and Rally: Thursday 12/15 at Dewey Square. We endorsed this action and plan to participate. 

Other Topics

Listserv: As I have had no reply from OBIT to set up a listserv, Marilyn has volunteered to do so for our group. Name Change: After discussion at two meetings, we have adopted the name Occupy Boston Action for Peace Working Group. Boston Occupier: Bob Funke is working on a draft of an article for the OB newspaper to connect militarism with the economic crisis. Please email Bob with any suggestions.

December 4, 2011

Meetings (2:30-4:00 every Sunday at South Station mezzanine)

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After several meetings, this is the consensus. Needs correction in the schedule from 2:30-3:30 to the correct time of 2:30-4:00. 

Still open to discussion since there is no consensus as to frequency and day of the week. We asked whether a vigil means a group presence or whether only one or two make a vigil relevant. There is consensus that the vigils be held on a weekday afternoon at commute time. No vigil last Sunday because of conflict with other OB commitments.  

Bob: Contact active units to determine return home dates of troops for our planned event in their honor. 
Marilyn: Contact between OB peace group and UJP, UNAWC
Trish: Contact between OB peace group and CODEPINK
Shaun: Contact between OB peace group and ISO
Frank: Contact between OB peace group and IAC
Sue: Contact between OB peace group and Pax Christi and CUAW

48 tea lights purchased. Cost: $20  
Found sturdy white canvas sign with grommets: 3X5 ft. for a visual of war spending and other spending categories.
Suggested Slogan: Bring Our War Dollars Home 
Undecided: Do we wear white for the vigils? 
Meeting Across Working Groups

Consensus was reached when Trish suggested we ask the direct action WG to consider:  

1.Take a few minutes prior to march to practice chants.  Have some chant cards available
2. Evaluate and hopefully stop the chant, "Whose Streets? Our streets." Does it draw public to our message or alienate them?
3. Sue will attend the Thursday 4:00 mtg of the DAWG with these concerns from us.  

Working Group Name

Marilyn stated that "Peace Action" is the official name of a national/state organization and not what we should be called. Discussion followed and will conclude next meeting around these questions:

             1.Does the OB-PAWG title cause enough of a problem to warrant changing the title which is already "out there"?
             2. Do we need the word "action" in the title to convey that we are not a study group?
             3. Might we become a study/action group? 
             4. Proposed: OB Peace WG, OB Act for Peace WG, OB Action for Peace WG
November 27, 2011 
Next meeting: Sunday, December 4, 2:30 on the mezzanaine of the South Station Food Court. Peace vigil to follow the meeting: 4:30-5:30 at Dewey Square. Keep checking OB website to learn if our presence is desirable at the courthouse on December 1. Focus of our action will be on the impact of  military spending as a drain on the household budgets of the 99%.
Camp Alex is on a road tour to other Occupy/church sites  in the Boston area. 
Contact and support between Direct Action working group and Civil Disobedience/Non Violence working group and Peace Action working group. 
Event to welcome Iraq troops home. No informaation available on the arrival dates. Best ways to keep the COST OF MILITARY in the public's attention. Various graphic presentations considered.