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99% Boston – Working Class Wednesday

"99% Boston – Working Class Wednesday" is a lively and irreverant show featuring angry anarchists, rude radicals and revolutionary dreamers that lived and worked at the Occupy Boston encampment until it was destroyed by Boston Police. Since then, these activists have clashed with cops in DC, NYC and Chicago, some returning with stitches or broken ribs to prove it. Join them once a week as they recount their adventures, trash talk the US government, and describe their dreams for a better world. The show is hosted by John Stephen Dwyer and podcast live on Occupy Boston Radio (www.obr.fm) every Wednesday at 8pm EST. Some previous episodes are available here for streaming or download.

  • Debut Episode (April 11, 2012 – 76 minutes) Produced by Chris Maxfield with guests Patrick Doherty, John Ford, John Murphy, Nelson Terry and Zoe White. There were some tech problems, and it's a really silly episode, but the gang obviously had lots of fun making it. It goes quiet for a few seconds near the 55 and the 69 minute mark before starting back up. Topics include the "Blunts and Blankets" marijuana activism event on Boston Common, NDAA 2012, the Rat Bloc and dumpster diving in Greater Boston, Camp Charlie at the Massachusetts State House, and the Burger King Safer Spaces Agreement. http://archive.org/details/ObRadioWorkingClassWednesdaysApril11th2012
  • Burning Bridges (April 25, 2012 – 52 minutes) Produced by Chris Maxfield with guests Stephanie Fail, Patrick Doherty, John Ford, John Murphy, and Nelson Terry. There are a lot of laughs here although the first few minutes of the episode are missing and conversation sometimes gives way to chaos. Topics include May Day, trolling Facebook, Occupy the Hood, Occupy the Capitol, Occupy Hyannis, Occupy Holyoke, the disbanding of Occupy Boston's Media Team, the sleepful protest called “Camp America” in front of Bank of America HQ, and guessing which one of the gang is a cop. http://archive.org/details/ObRadioWorkingClassWednesdaysApril25th2012
  • Sage Advice (May 16, 2012 - 57 minutes) Produced by Matt Wolmer with Sage Radachowsky bringing his music as the first guest. This was broadcast the night the gang left for protests against NATO in Chicago and guests Nelson Terry, John Murphy, Lauren Chalas and John Ford arrive as the show progresses. Topics include police culture, name calling, feudalism, a hidden cure for cancer, grade school rebelliousness, life in the mountains of Nepal, Occupy Oakland and the Oakland Commune, jury nullification, restorative justice and the obsolescence of NATO. http://archive.org/details/ObRadioWorkingClassWednesdaysMay16th2012
  • The O Bomb (June 6, 2012 - 72 minutes) Produced by Chris Maxfield with guests Meaghan Day, Patrick Doherty, Mark Joyce-Shore (bringing his music), Jay Kelly and John Murphy. Topics include planning the future of Occupy Boston, use of taboo words in humor, the previous evening's GA, a return to Camp Charlie, Occupy Boston screen printing and sign making, actions on Boston Common, Mayor Menino, Occupy Falmouth, Canada, the Scott Walker recall and third party presidential candidates Jill Stein, Roseanne Barr, Vermin Supreme and No One. They also talk about Obama and his drones despite trying not to. http://archive.org/details/ObRadioWorkingClassWednesdaysJune6th2012