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OBIT Meeting (6/28/2012)

Attending: Brandon, Dana, Eden, Steve.

Kendra's Grant Proposal

We read through Kendra's MRG grant proposal. Wow, Kendra, you did a really amazing job with this!

v2dev Hackathon

We're going to have another v2dev hackathon day on Sunday. Noon - 5pm @ E5. Steve makes E5 reservation request.

ARIA's communications proposal

A working copy o fAria's proposal is here: https://pad.riseup.net/p/fYVvZSE9X3Lh. We added some comments; others are welcome to add comments too.

Calendar posting is a bit of a mystery. Calendar was traditional managed by media; no one in OBIT knows (beyond what's on https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/listinfo/calendar)

(Update: Farhad says there's a list of calendar admins on http://wiki.occupyboston.org/wiki/Media, but the list may be outdated.)

Steve's suggestion: get an OBIT google account. Have each WG make their own calendar, and share (read-only) with the OBIT google account. OBIT makes a composite out of the different calendars, and put that on the website. See http://www.occupyarlingtonma.org/events for an example of this technique.

This would cover WG's but not OB-wide info

Eden will write to calendar@lists.occupyboston.org, and ask them to make list submissions public. Part of the issue we have: broken calendar form, and calendar@lists.occupyboston.org that doesn't accept mail from the general public.

(Update: http://wiki.occupyboston.org/wiki/WG/OBIT/Services looks like a list of who does what. We should update this list.)

Calendar submission form

See http://support.occupyboston.org/trac/ticket/68. Attached to the ticket is a wireshark packet dump, showing (a) a gzip compression error, and (b) varnish HTTP headers.

We suspect that varnish may be caching form submission responses.

Brandon IRCs lefty; asks him to add a varnish exclusion rule for POST.

No dice with the post exclusion rule.. We tail access logs, and make submission.

HTML form indicates post

 <form action="/calendar-event-submission-form/#wpcf7-f5387-p4394-o1" 

apache sees GET request. That's messed up. - - [28/Jun/2012:20:39:21 -0400] "GET /calendar-event-submission-form/ HTTP/1.1" 200 7357 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0"

Will require more debugging.


obit(AT)occupyboston.org mail goes to obit-support(AT)lists.occupyboston.org. If you're interested in getting support requests, then subscribe to obit-support.

Question: obit-support subscriptions require moderator approval. Should we change this.

    • wordpress questions

We have an ad-hoc discussion about wordpress administration, and theming, and few permissions issues on bostonoccupybanks.org.

    • Meeting places

Steve will request E5 reservations for Thursday night meetings in July.