List of Goals

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This is a list of CONCRETE GOALS to include in the survey for NatGat 2013.

Please add/edit.

It's intended that the categories will roll up and become "the goals", and the details will be targetted milestones under a specific goal. It's envisioned that each will be prioritized as short, medium, and long term objectives.

I. Enviro

A. Land

  • establish a strong "commons"/local rights-based ordinances, so communities can say no to polluters
  • amend constitution to declare right to clean water/air - shelter as a right
  • declare rooftops "commons" (gardens, wind turbines, solar).
  • schools to teach holistic thinking *

* recognize and remediate environmental racism--predominance of incinerators in black-brown neighborhoods *

  • mandate a certain percentage of public commons (land) to be farm, park, or wildlands.
  • establish public magnet schools that are horticultural academies that also care for public land & grow food
  • Local food production, community gardens, permaculture agriculture - worker self directed organic agriculture coops on the model of Mondragon in Spain *
  • establish more community garden land
  • offer tax credits to farms that give away food
  • HIGH TAXES on food production that is NOT ORGANIC
  • lease commons (locally owned/controlled land) to local organic growers at a rate pegged to the cost of food
  • utilize planning models that favor high density cities, land conservation and discourage sprawl.
  • institute development policies that favor high density cities and REAL affordable housing tied to lowest wage earners (not "average" income) *

*give historically disenfranchised peoples first use right to commons *

B. Food

What: Nourishment end hunger, food supply that is humane and natural' access to real nourishing, non-chemical, non-GMO food healthier diets and lifestyles, affordable healthy food How:

  • tax credits to food providers that offer food for free (pay-what-you-can cafes, etc)
  • establish public magnet schools that are horticultural academies that also care for public land & grow food
  • replace the food stamp/agribusiness grand bargain with a basic income guarantee
  • require foodstamp agencies to provide foodstamp payment mechanisms to farmers markets
  • tie the salaries of public officials inversely to the price of a grocery basket of sustainable food, calculated relative to zip code
  • require that food additives, packaging, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies be proven safe before being allowed on the market
  • offer tax credits ONLY to organic food producers/providers, not chemical-based farmers
  • HIGH TAXES on food production that is NOT ORGANIC
  • free school lunches - no junk food in schools
  • no for-profit packaged food in schools
  • require farms to be at least 50% self sustaining with regards to seed, animal, feed and fertilizer production, to get subsidies

C. Water


  • amend the constitution to declare that clean air and water is a right
  • peg the value of currency to the number of fish in the sea


by Restoring Inalienable Rights to Individuals/Environment

  • Amend the constitution to declare the right to basic healthcare, basic income, basic shelter healthy food, clean air/water
  • Amend the constitution to end the corporatocracy and restore inalienable natural rights to individuals and the environment

II. Economy

what: an economic system that like an ecosystem is homeostatic, self-regulating and wastes nothing, fairness and equality for all beings (including ecosystems, resources) banks and corporations required to act responsibly, answering to many, not few radicalized labor unions international corporate accountability fair trade and fair working conditions *


what: a tax system that creates the basis for an homeostatic economy; one that discourages waste and fraud, rewards thrift and environmentalism and taxes at a relatively higher rate activities that are harmful and not life-affirming.

  • Zero-Sum Budget the Tax Code [See Discussion]
  • Flat Tax (no deductions)
  • High Tax on "money-on-money" transactions/income
  • Tax companies that are not "zero-waste" and those who do not adhere to "Extended Producer Responsibility" standards
  • Tax "resource use" NOT income
  • Tax on revenues/expenses, not on profit. too easy to cheat - minimal income: everyone gets a check
  • Zero-Sum Budget the Title 26 as recommended by the US Tax Payer Advocate (Tina E. Olson); start with no exemptions or credits and democratically decide (on line or w/town meetings) which credits to include or exclude. Use "just the brackets" during a five year planning process and then implement during an additional two year implementation period.
  • Tie the tax brackets to the rental cost of a square foot of land by county, the lower the rents, the lower the taxes.
  • Carbon Tax.
  • Popular vote on each provision of the Title 26.


  • Dodd-Frank (get it done! been in committee controlled by derivatives industry forever!)
  • End the Fed (put the soverienty control back in the hands of the people)
  • Declare a Jubilee Year every 49 years.
  • Create state-owned banks for each of the states where public funds are invested, like the Bank of North Dakota.
  • Give control of commons to small municipalities
  • Bring back Glass-Stegall
  • give economic/tax incentives to locale producers
  • Abolish corporate personhood
  • Wealth Redistribution: Replace the current federal low income housing program with one that sells small net zero rental properties to inner city low income owners who agree to occupy them. No middlers, direct sales from government to citizens, with the fed having right of first refusal. *
  • Thirty hour work week for all government employees.
  • Commerce Calming: prohibition on money-on-money commerce Friday thru Sunday.
  • Measure the Gross National Happiness instead of the Gross National Product.
  • Measure the number of green jobs, instead of total jobs
  • Measure the Gross Sustainable Product, instead of GNP
  • Basic Income Guarantee:

III. Freedom of Information

A. free and open communications

  • if airwaves are under private control, require all private broadcasters to allow free primetime spots to candidates that make it to the ballot.
  • all airwaves publicly owned
  • end to intellectual property, such that there is free and open sharing of information *
  • have a certain amount of tax (by REVENUE, not profit, which is too easy to cheat) go straight to education, so production drives education. so people aren't threatened into hoarding IP.
  • extend public education through college
  • certain amount of the airwaves is public every day, primetime
  • certain amount of airwaves is devoted to publicly funded elections
  • extend Open Meeting Law to include private personal conversations between government personnel AND other government personnel and the public, so that they are documented, and there is a trail of influence that is accountable to the public.

B. real education, free and equal, democratized'

  • have a certain amount of tax (by REVENUE, not profit, which is too easy to cheat) go straight to education, so production drives education

C. universal access to data

  • keep requirement for universal access on telephone companies, to make sure low income and remote people can get access.

D. what: truth in journalism/illegal to lie

  • big fines -prison terms for journalist who lie & loss of right to publish *


A. What: peace, nonviolence, no war or death machines, no military, world peace'

  • choose a date where no arms will be built in factories. after that date, make it illegal for any guns to exist
  • pay owners of arms factories to stop producing
  • end tax deducation for lobbying expenses for military contractors
  • declare that defense is defined as "only on US shores"
  • US out of the Middle East

B. 'What: no need for violent conflict or guns'

  • replace current military model with hand to hand combat, only
  • build schools in every village
  • repeal the Second Amendment -register all guns

C. no global us vs them

nonviolence' friendship, rather than strangership, as the default relationship among people mutual respect between cultures or trading nations

  • nonviolent interpersonal and international conflict resolution education *
  • declare indigenous rights to what? we need to be specific
  • balance the global labor transition with a global basic income guarantee *

IV. Global

A. What: The Right To A Dignified Life

A world where basic needs are met, all cultures respected equally, people feel empowered, free, and unafraid 'a strong sense of community safety for everyone from domestic violence and fear 'all human life valued equally mutually beneficial relationship between humans, the earth, and its inhabitants acting with consideration for the community, world, and everything -more humanity, compassion, kindness, and selflessness


  • extensive mandatory community service for white color criminals
  • establish participatory budgeting of tax dollars
  • require people shown to engage in domestic violence, to volunteer in a homeless shelter
  • all public policy decisions considered for seven generations in the future w/impact of decisions tracked via balance sheet (asset/liability)
  • "social obligation accounting" -more humanity, compassion, kindness, and selflessness *
  • no profit in prisons
  • establish a world government and all earth currency

B. Free Universal Healthcare

What: mental and physical healthcare that emphasizes preventative and alternative measures full control of our own bodies, including shared ownership of the means of preventative healthcare, no compassion for profit.


  • nationalize the US healthcare system
  • amend the constitution to declare basic (not nose jobs, for example) healthcare a right
  • deploy national healthcare system
  • end fee for service & require that clinicians be salaried.
  • stop clinicians salaries when patient get sick, start paying them again when their patient recovers *
  • alternative medical licensing/professional societies, use at your own risk [TF: well, except that "at our own risk, means that the national healthcare system picks up on mistakes]
  • health as a major topic in public education system and in state sponsored adult education programs
  • programs to teach people how to take care of themselves and others, "caring cooperatives"
  • make gyms/health clubs part of the healthcare system
  • drug treatment on demand


What: freedom to live anywhere: no borders, no nations, freedom of knowledge

  • Declare oneself a citizen of the world.
  • Eliminate borders

V. Summer of Change/Electoral Sea Change

A. Goal: Get Money Our of Politics

How: -

  • amend the constitution to abolish corporate personhood
  • amend the constitution to declare that money is not speech
  • limit campaign donations to $50 per person and only in-district donations
  • full public financing of all elections
  • absolute ban on gifts to elected officials and their families
  • end two-party system
  • proportional representation, instant run off voting (popular vote decides President)
  • join your local Green Party
  • abolish the electoral college

B. Goal:local community control


  • declare local rights-based ordinances (you can organize this today, in your town)

C. Goal: consensus based democracy

What: a democratic process that works for all, minorities have power and voice (rule by diversity).


  • crowd source public policy decisions
  • give the public a percentage of the votes on any decision via the internet.
  • online voting
  • voting days are holidays

'* all financials downloadable in Excel format *voting block set asides for historically disenfranchised peoples



  • Publicly funded elections
  • Free/equal prime time airtime w/major broadcast stations, as a permit condition , for all candidates on the ballot
  • Popular vote decides presidency.

E. Legal System, just and fair

* track and remediate racial bias in court decisions

  • replace prisons with electronic tracking bracelets
  • make rehabilitation, not punishment, the goal of the penal system



  • Publically funded elections
  • Free Press / Media for Candidates Free/equal prime time airtime w/major broadcast stations, as a permit condition , for all candidates on the ballot
  • Proportional Representation & Instant Run Off Voting
  • Abolish the electoral college (popular vote for President wins)


  • Dodd-Frank (get it done! been in committee controlled by derivatives industry forever!)
  • End the Fed (put the soverienty control back in the hands of the people)

I've bolded items that address racial inequality--maybe in the final version there could be a sort function that allows folks to see this category, and others, separately?

Not sure where this goes:

- Give racial minorities first use rights to wide ranging commons that encompass air, open land, housing and water


That may not be concrete goals for the "roadmap", but may be treated as principles, or very long term ideals that we can strive for.

  • Global Peace

We can do ACTIONS NEXT. Let's keep this list to GOALS? Refer to President Franklin Delano Roosvelt's 1944 State of the Union Address wherein he advocated a second U.S. Bill of Rights, a U.S. Economic Bill of Rights. Search FDR 1944 State of the Union.

[To Draft Mission Statement]

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