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about "Message"

user:anonyta Wednesday, 10:22 pm

re: about "Message"

         ]] anonymous-observer

Don't walk away :) they need you.

I agree with you to " limit ourselves to a mission of building a way for the 99% to end the oppression of the monied elite".

No detailed demands, but one singular one to end the influence of money on our politics.

Can you please send a message to the GA since I can't participate in person (but I have been monitoring the blogs off the home page daily) - and most supporters think the same. I suggested the following as a DRAFT:


OWS/OB & ALL Movements around the USA

“This is a non-partisan movement. We want to end corporate and financial influence on our government. Corporations should not have more of a voice and more rights than the American people. We demand greater accountability on Wall Street and greater responsiveness in Washington. We demand REAL change. We stand in solidarity with all the movements around the world protesting against corporate greed.

Let the voice of the 99% be heard!”

re: about "Message"

         ]] terrawiki

OK, will do. Agree with that you say. I'm just trying to facilitate a lot of different groups all moving in different directions. Like herding squirrels. They have so much in commen. If we were being paid, I'd rent a big hotel and feed them a lot, and they'd agree in no time.

Protect the Commons. Affordability. Demand Accountability.

user:qandnotq Wednesday, 10:28 am

I am proposing that we can organize all of our demands into the framework of Commons, Affordability, and Accountability.

Protecting the Commons includes government access, environmental preservation and improvements, infrastructure and internets, the Marketplace, and so on...

Affordability is the demand that Government Access (Courts), Loans (Education and Mortgages...), and Health Services and Cost of Living must stay Affordable if our country is to thrive. (This doesn't mean it has to be easy. Just possible, which it currently isn't for many people.)

Accountability is straighforward, but demands transparency and action on profiteering in economic times like these. It is broadly anti-corruption as well. I like the term Accountability better than Transparency since it's more about action than access.

Feel free to debate this, or to start aligning our interests under these banners.


re: Protect the Commons. Affordability. Demand Accountability.

user:eli_gottlieb Wednesday, 1:42 pm

I had written up my original post on this "Three-Tiered Vision" on a wiki page:

We should edit this into a shape we can present to a GA.

re: Protect the Commons. Affordability. Demand Accountability.

         ]] qandnotq

I agree. I will help, but feel that anyone can try to shape it into a strong, concise message. I almost feel that brainstorming on it is going to do wonders. I will move my discussion to the link you have.

(please keep this up for visibility!)