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OccupyBoston '
Profit & Loss
December 2011
4010 - Camp Donations 3,707.32
4015 - GA Donations 560.29
4020 - WePay Donations
4021 - Boston Occupier 292.00
4022 - General Fund 3,463.21
4024 - Greenway Fund 3,110.88
4025 - Legal Fund 1,270.00
4027 - Wind Turbine Fund 60.00
Total 4020 - WePay Donations $8,196.09
4030 - Donors 2,720.00
4050 - Unions 500.00
Total Contributions $15,683.70
Total Income $15,683.70
6000 - Civil Disobedience 4,150.00
6010 - Direct Action
6015 - Food 100.00
6030 - Supplies & Materials 1,602.29
6040 - Transportation 497.20
6049 - Undocumented 447.71
Total 6010 - Direct Action $2,647.20
6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid
6060 - Food 819.49
6070 - Housing 50.00
6080 - Miscellaneous 80.00
6090 - Transportation 4,870.09
6099 - Undocumented 7,040.00
Total 6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid $12,859.58
Total Community $19,656.78
6130 - Equipment (10,912.95)
6140 - Food 851.45
6150 - Laundry & Cleaning 300.00
6170 - Supplies & Materials 293.09
6180 - Transportation 352.71
6199 - Undocumented (1,992.71)
Total Encampment $(11,108.41)
6205 - Bookkeeping 55.43
6210 - Communication
6112 - Data/Internet 150.00
6114 - Telephone 500.00
Total 6210 - Communication $650.00
6220 - Copying & Printing 84.99
6260 - Rent or Lease 1,050.00
6270 - Supplies & Materials 0.00
6290 - WePay Fees 290.00
6299 - Undocumented 300.00
Total Infrastructure $2,430.42
Working Groups
6310 - Communication 131.36
6320 - Copying & Printing 1,308.00
6330 - Equipment 1,554.04
6340 - Food 551.35
6360 - Rent or Lease 20.00
6370 - Supplies & Materials 952.92
6375 - Shipping & Postage 559.06
6380 - Travel
6386 - Transportation 256.40
Total 6380 - Travel $256.40
6399 - Undocumented 256.86
Total Working Groups $5,589.99
Total Expenses $16,568.78
Total Expenses $16,568.78
Net Operating Income $(885.08)
Other Income
Other Income
7010 - Interest Earned 4.39
Total Other Income $4.39
Total Other Income $4.39
Net Other Income $4.39
Net Income $(880.69)