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Notes for the OBR meeting on Friday, 13 January, 2011.
In attendance:
- brandon (Facilitator)
- Tracy
- Michael
- Sarah (Notes)
- Matt W.
- Glenn
- Todd
Round-table Updates
- Michael
Had a difficult weekend and I'm not longer able to work with the working group. Felt I owed it to the group, the way that things are run, GA to be undemocratic, not the way it's being implemented. I understand that there are changes, I just didn't want to disappear, but wanted to talk to you.
- Tracy
Josh Show- Never got back Angela Show- No response yet Hotspot- Need other money and will pick it up. Steven (Marxist Vegan)- Podcasts - willing to have them used.
- Matt
Robin's Show-Friday Monica Poole- Contacted at GA, local TEDex stuff Airtime-Matt going to get dedicated server News-Daily Updates RadioDaddy- Who wants to get Bumps made up? Sarah-I will. Any clever ideas? Space- Questionnaire- Included at the bottom of email. Brandon - Please all radio members respond to and send to radio@occupyboston.org so we can compile and send a group response. Flobots- Got an email from them, need to read Wednesday-I'll be here for programs 6pm-9pm
- News-
Todd- Thought the original idea of the news was a good one, good to have 1/2 hour to one hour, summary of the daily updates, but also Brett is doing is amazingly help for reference. If you can get a SOPA expert to talk for a few minutes. Told Michael after the last broadcast, more along the lines of a news hour, more like PBS news style show, segments. To have a half-hour to an hour of what happened last week and the coming week in boston and then last week and the coming week nationally or globally. Get a local guy. Matt-Aaron Schwartz Brendan- NPR on their website, there are 5 minute News Updates Glenn-Do we want to repeat what is happening on the Daily Update Todd- I grew up with a radio station that had news every 20 minutes. Would give live presenters a chance to take a break and every 20 minutes really hits home that events are happening. Brett has a scraper that searches newsfeeds, about occupy, occupations nation wide and he's created The Morning Crawl http://procesverbal.dyndns-blog.com/.
- Action items:
Daily Updates: Matt- M,W,F Sarah-T,Th Glenn-Sat, Sun
News Show: Todd & Sarah will work on this and try to get show up for this week Friday 10am.
- Brandon-
Jingles-We need jingles (Brendan Cooney) Kathryn- Science show on Wednesday
- Matt- Alex Sports show, Robin interested
Ooops, Sarah once again forgot too reserve space so we were kicked at 8:15. Sorry!
Radio Info:
- Mailing List:
- Webpage(s):
obr.fm occupyboston.org/radio
Letter from Space Working Group
Hello from the Space Working Group!
The Space working group is aggressively pursuing efforts to find space to fill the various needs of OB. This includes space to accommodate working group and GA meetings, office functions, Free School classes, and an informal gathering space, among other things. Most importantly it will provide space for visibility and interaction with the public, much as we enjoyed at Dewey Square.
Property owners we have been talking with need to understand how we operated and the achievements of Occupy Boston before they will seriously consider leasing space to OB. They do not need to agree with our movement but they do need to take us seriously as tenants. We in the Space working group are preparing a brief description of Occupy Boston that will build their confidence in us as good tenants. As part of this we are creating a 1-2 page description of what Occupy Boston accomplished while in Dewey Square. This information could also be used to inform future legal cases if needed.
The working groups are the best source for evidence of Occupy Boston's contributions to the community and the 99%. Please help us tell the stories of your accomplishments.
We apologize if you received a similar email in error earlier today; please respond to and engage with this one.
We need to know:
1. What working group are you reporting for and about how many people on average are involved?
2. What have been some of your most significant successes or contributions as working group? Please include really concrete examples. "We distributed blankets" is not as concrete as "We distributed about 10 blankets a day every day in October."
3. What were a few memorable stories or examples in which your working group impacted the public and/or individuals that came by Dewey? Please, no more than three stories!
4. Were your working group's activities covered by the press or on the Occupy Boston blog or in the Occupier? If so, can you provide links?
5. If your working group held public events, such as actions, teach ins, or speak outs, how many were there, what were they, when were they, and about how many people participated or attended?
6. What are some of your working group's coolest plans for the future, and how do you think having a permanent space will help you to make those plans happen?
7. What is one thing that Occupy Boston/Occupy Movement has done that has made a personal impact on you?
Time is short, so please respond to this email with answers to the above questions by Wednesday at 9pm. Please send your information to BOTH Monica Poole (monica.poole@gmail.com) and Gunner Scott (gunner@occupyboston.org). Your information will be vital to representing OB so that we can get the best space possible. Thank you!