Free School University (FSU)

Revision as of 23:30, 22 January 2012 by Racheljmcneill (talk | contribs)
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The Free School University (FSU) is a learning community of #Occupy Boston. Topics vary from fun-and-games to politics and revolution. Our goal is to form an autonomous zone and share skills needed to maintain that, to entertain educate and enliven Occupiers and the general public. Our purpose is to provide support and space for skill sharing and sharing basic info regarding Occupy Boston and to encourage self-organization, teaching, and learning opportunities. 

To join the FSU announcement list:

To schedule a teach-in through the FSU, please submit the following information to, CC: rachel@freeschooluniversity.orgIf you know the exact date and time and have all of the below information ready, please include POST: (date / time) in the Subject of your email. After everything is confirmed, you can use the Occupy Boston Event Submission Form to expedite posting to the event calendar.

  • Date / Time:
  • Location:
  • Title:
  • Brief Description:
  • Short Biography:  

For all other inquiries, to volunteer as site-assistants, or to jion the FSU-Working Group, please email:

FSU Working Group Meetings take place every Friday 

Next Meeting: Friday, January 27, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Location: Harvest Food Coop Community Room, 581 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge (Central Sq. T stop) Go all the way to the rear of the store, behind the display case and up the stairs. The conference room will be on your left.

 RESOURCES ON THE WEB                                                                      

Free School University

Working Group Information

Use the back button on your browser return to this wiki page from the working group website.

Meeting Notes

The Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series

The Boston Occupier Coverage

 VIDEO ARCHIVE                                                                                          

For archived video of past teach-ins, click here.

 PAST TEACH-INS                                                                                         

For a list of past teach-ins, click here.

 CURRENT TEACH-INS                                                                               


FSU-RADIO is an educational series by Occupy Boston’s Free School University. Our goal is to form an autonomous zone and share skills needed to maintain that, to entertain educate and enliven Occupiers and the general public. Our purpose is to provide support and space for skill sharing and sharing basic info regarding Occupy Boston and to encourage self-organization, teaching, and learning opportunities.Call 617-506-9726 with questions or comments, or join the IRC chat at

Wednesday, January 25 (streaming live on OB Radio from 7-8pm)

Cooperative Businesses and Low Cost Computing with Wayne Clark and Marlene Archer of Occupy Newton. Wayne Clark has been involved with cooperative businesses over many years, and will talk about what a cooperative is and is not, and how by organizing production in cooperatives we can build for a non-capitalist future. Marlene Archer works with a non-profit that acquires old computers, including relatively recent ones being replaced by corporations and rich institutions, and recycles them to make low cost computers available to individuals and smaller non-profits. She will talk about computer recycling, and other ways of accessing computing power on a limited budget.


February 18 (on Occupy Boston TV) FSU has been invited by OBTV to do a show on somewhere between 3 and 5 pm for 30 minutes with three guest panelists and a moderator. Programming is to be determined. If you are interested in planning something or participating, contact the Free School University at, or come to our Working Group meeting on Friday at 5:30pm. The studio is in Brookline.