<div style="background-color: transparent; "Occupy Boston Media Working Group Meeting
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 - 7pm-9:30pm - Encuentro 5
'Present: Deborah (facilitating), Dan (notetaker), Michael (1st media mtg), Deborah (1st media mtg), John, Matthew, Jess, Josh, Linda, Katie, Bil, Joshua, David (1st media mtg), Mike, Liam, Eli, Rachel, Devin
^During introductions, if folks volunteered that it was their first media meeting, I made note of that
-Agenda: In addition to the agenda items that were published, we also added to the agenda that we would talk about Twitter, the joint Media/OBIT meeting, the Citizen Journalism Initiative, independent funding source of media, an OBTV update, and what we need to write about
'I Introductions
- We've started out by going around, introducing ourselves, what we do, and sharing about what we see the role of media as
II Twitter Meeting - Joshua
- The password was changed for the main twitter account, which prompted a meeting to discuss the use of the twitter
- A few people now act as admins
- If people are not an admin and would like to be, they should talk to someone who is an admin
- There's also an email-to-twitter system
- There's also a twitter-to-twitter system being worked on that will create greater accountability
- We also held a twitter training program for folks to use the email-to-twitter system
- We also discussed best practices for using the @occupy_boston twitter account
- No livetweeting, unless there's an emergency. Instead, the account can be used to redirect to others who are livestreaming or retweeting
- Use for retweeting working groups
- Use for occasional "personality" tweets
- Discussion about twitter use:
- Q: Can't twitter use just be automated - can't all WGs have access to the twitter?
- A: No, not with the current system. Not everything should be RT'd, because there will be lots of followers lost. We need to be strategic about our use of social media.
- Q: So there will be instructions mailed out about accessing twitter?
- A: Yes; they'll be mailed out to the media list, and could be posted on the wiki
- Q: Can't twitter use just be automated - can't all WGs have access to the twitter?
III OBIT/Tech Meeting - John and Eli
- Website issues - site has failed over past 6 weeks
- OBIT demonstrated that they're making deliberate systems choices
- They still need to work out bugs
- Better procedure for reporting bugs
- A ticketing system has been developed! (support.occupyboston.org)
- OBIT demonstrated that they're making deliberate systems choices
- We have a few people who are direct liaisons between the two groups
- We learned that there are political implications of tech decisions
- And now there are no more crashes! (?)
- We may discuss moving our own meetings so people are able to attend both Media and OBIT meetings
- POI, a Doodle was sent to figure out a good day for new meetings
- It will be sent again tonight
- POI, a Doodle was sent to figure out a good day for new meetings
- OBIT is also getting more involved in twitter
- OBIT and Media may host a joint community gathering in late March about political implications of tech and how our tech reflects our values
IV: OBTV - Matthew
- Three tapings
- Traditional interview (20 minutes)
- Interviewees have included members of MA legislature, homeless occupiers
- Traditional interview (20 minutes)
- Listed on pegmedia!
- Will also start doing investigative journalism in conjunction with Occupier
- Another initiative: Arts for the 99%
- Occupy News Network is another “TV” group associated with OB
- They’ll be meeting later on to coordinate a bit more
V: Social Media Branding - Joshua
- We should have more consistency across twitter, Facebook, website in terms of appearance
- For example, we should have consistent "taglines," like "we are the wicked pissah 99%"
- The person who made the website header may also be able to make a twitter and Facebook template / icons so we're consistency
- Discussion:
- Consistency:
- Mixed feelings
- Perhaps should invoke regionalism?
- Wicked pissah
- Not family friendly
- Doesn't appeal to some readers, such as blog readers
- We should: Look at what other occupations are doing
- Mainly have consistency across design and appearance, though, except for special cases (such as Sink, SOPA, etc.)
- Consistency:
- While there's no consensus, we'll start to develop
VI: Listservs
- People are having trouble joining listservs such as community forum
- Not user friendly
- We can work with OBIT on how to make it more accessible
- Dan will add community forum info on wiki
- Joshua will clean up WGs page on site
- We'll try to work on making the site easier to navigate in general
VII: Coverage this week
- Underwater march CL/VU, MU, OWS, Monday, 12:00-1:30!!!
- Need to really push to get OB and greater Boston to participate
- Media advisory
- It would be great to have press there!
- Blog posts
- Facebook and twitter
- Livestream
- Good video footage!
- OWS is coming into town
- Blog post afterward?
- Canvassing in Revere (Sat)
- Organizer training for OWS / OB (Sun)
- TALK TO INTEROCCUPY - Rachel will talk to Ben
- Blog post afterward?
- Community gathering
- Blog post
- Use press release that had been sent out
- Facebook and twitter
- Blog post
- MU March to Collect (1/26!)
- Livestreaming (Ryan)
- Photos
- On coverage:
- There's a form that's been created to allow working groups to request coverage… we'll be pushing this a lot more
VIII Questions from Jess about Media Structure, Funding, etc.
- Media has independent funder - can we talk about that?
- Earmarked funding is possible according to the way we've structured things from FAWG
- David came directly to Media who wanted to work with us and directly fund us to be able to do coordinated campaigns
- David also joined the group, but wants to now step back
- Has agreed to spend $24,000 over the course of a year
- FAWG has total oversight
- Joshua is the direct liaison between FAWG and Media
- David mails check to CU, and it's earmarked for Media.
- Decisions on how to spend money require quorum of 12 at a regularly scheduled Media meeting
- FAWG gets receipts, David gets copies of receipts
- Media and FAWG have access to Google Doc
- He is NOT telling us what to focus on
- He had said he was interested on CL/VU, but we said that we wouldn't be able to participate in having funding AND direction
- $400 rent to E5 is from general fund, not from Media earmarks
- Campaigns haven't been developed yet
- One of the things that's been discussed is the citizen journalism project
- We need lots of people filming all over the place, live!
- $1500 on computer for video editing (postproduction), $500 rolled over
- For Citizen Journalism initiative, Jess strongly recommends that we encourage others to learn more about public access television (including folks in the Media WG!)
- One of the things that's been discussed is the citizen journalism project
- (meeting, next Wednesday)
- Appeal to be frugal with this
- OBTV + Media
- Occupier relationship or part of the umbrella?
- We should meet to discuss in two weeks