FSU: Past Teach-Ins
Free School University on Occupy Boston Radio
Occupy Boston Radio is currently available by internet only. FSU-RADIO is an educational series by Occupy Boston's Free School University. Our Wednesday program consists of TALK radio featuring educational content such as lectures, panel discussions and interviews, with host David Knuttunen. Call 617-506-9726 with questions or comments. Visit occupyboston.org/radio for more information about OB Radio and to join IRC chat during broadcasts. To propose a guest for the program or to be a guest host, please email fsu@occupyboston.org, or call David Knuttunen at 617-558-5853.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012: Grace Ross is a lifetime activist in democratic people’s movements and a two-time candidate for Governor of Massachusetts. She is presently the coordinator of the Mass Alliance Against Predatory Lending, the statewide coalition working to reverse the foreclosure-crisis in our Commonwealth. She has written a book on the current economic crisis entitled “Main Street $marts – Who got us into this economic mess and how we get through it?” The book is a comprehensive survey of the damage done to the 99% by an economy managed for the benefit of the few, and provides common sense prescriptions for solving the problems, ranging from banking, foreclosures and homelessness, to health care, to jobs – all the while empowering people and building a more democratic society. We will be discussing some of these issues in a conversation that includes, “How did we get here?” “What do we do about it?” and “What is the role of the Occupy movement in solving these problems?”
Wednesday, February 1:Anarchism, Democracy, and Occupy with Dennis Fox, retired professor of Legal Studies and Psychology University of Illnois-Springfield and co-founder of the Radical Psychology Network. Dennis Fox is an anarchist and social psychologist who has been involved with Occupy Boston since the beginning. Back in the fall, he taught a number of courses for FSU on the intersections of anarchism, psychology, and law, topics he began exploring in the 1970s while participating in the Boston Clamshell Alliance and Coalition for Direct Action at Seabrook. The conversation was about anarchism and democracy, and the lessons that are being learned from the Occupy movement.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012: Cooperative Businesses and Low Cost Computing with Wayne Clark and Marlene Archer of Occupy Newton. Wayne Clark has been involved with cooperative businesses over many years, and will talk about what a cooperative is and is not, and how by organizing production in cooperatives we can build for a non-capitalist future. Marlene Archer works with a non-profit that acquires old computers, including relatively recent ones being replaced by corporations and rich institutions, and recycles them to make low cost computers available to individuals and smaller non-profits. She will talk about computer recycling, and other ways of accessing computing power on a limited budget.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012: Jerry Friedman (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) will be on OB Radio with David from FSU to talk about the economy as part of our new weekly broadcast.
Friday, December 16, 2011: Kevin Gallagher and Tim Wise discussed "Wall Street's Global Reach: How Wall Street Lobby Groups are affecting the Eurozone and Food Crises." Kevin Gallagher is an associate professor of international relations at Boston University and research associate at the Global Development and Environment Institute (Tufts University). Tim Wise is Director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, and leads its Globalization and Sustainable Development Program.
The Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series
For video archive of all recorded lectures from The Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series at Occupy Boston, click here.
- Thursday, Feb 9: Marx's Ghost: Midnight Conversations on Changing the World, w/ Charlie Derber, Alexandra Pineros Shields, Brian Kwoba, & Genevieve Butler
Friday, January 20: Panel: From Occupy to Workers Control, with Immanuel Ness and Elaine Bernard Saturday, December 10: Rich Levy, professor of history at Salem State University, "The Legacy of the Sixties and Occupy" Wednesday, December 7: Avi Chomsky, professor of history at Salem State University Wednesday, November 30: Norman Finkelstein Tuesday, November 29: Bruno Bosteels Tuesday, November 22: Mike Denning: The Culture of Debt Wednesday, November 9: Elaine Bernard: From Heroes to Zeros, The War on Public Employees & Their Unions Friday, November 4: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz: The City on a Hill, Where it all Began Thursday, November 3: Luis Jimenez: The Perils of American Democracy, The Institutional Basis Behind Our 'Broken Politics' Sunday, October 30: Anthony Arnove: co-authored "Voices of a People's History of the United States" with Howard Zinn Friday, November 18: Paul Le Blanc Thursday, November 17: Richard Wolf Saturday, November 12: Noel Ignatiev: Race and Occupy Saturday, October 29: Fred Magdoff Friday, October 28: Chad Montrie, author of "A People's History of Environmentalism in the United States" Monday, October 24: Tom Ferguson: Money and Politics Sunday, October 23: Vijay Prashad, author of "The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World" Saturday, October 22: Noam Chomsky Thursday, October 20: Gary Leupp: Elite Control Over US Foreign Policy, Lessons from Vietnam, to Iraq, to Today Saturday, October 15: Nicole Aschoff: Neoliberal Dispossession and the Demand for Demands Thursday, October 13: Victor Wallis: Roots of the Current Crisis
Occupy Boston Economics Forum
Saturday, December 3, 2011: Gar Alperovitz, America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming Our Wealth, Our Liberty, & Our Democracy, book launchMonday, November 28, 2011: How to Redistribute Wealth: Lessons from the 20th Century, a discussion with Molly Geidel and Patricia StuelkeSaturday, November 26, 2011: Right on the Marx: New Insights From Some Old Ideas with Gordon Fellman (POSTPONED)Sunday, November 20, 2011: Unemployment: Why Jobs Are Hard to Find and How We Can Create Many More with Juliet SchorSaturday, November 19, 2011:
Occupy The Economy with Kerry Power (followed by Q&A) Teach-In: Globalization and How it Affects Us, an interactive presentation with Madeleine Cousineau
Sunday, November 13, 2011:
The Effects of Class Background on Our Lives and Efforts for Change, United For Change Workshop Series Gender, Economy, and Citizenship with Carole Biewener and Jyoti Puri, organized by the Women's CaucusFriday, November 11, 2011: Capitalism at a Dead End, synopsis of lecture given by Fred Goldstein, with Gerry ScoppettuoloFriday, November 4, 2011: Responsible Investing, with Shelley Alpern and Catherine Pargeter (Trillium Asset Management), and Libby Edgerly (MSCI)Sunday, October 30, 2011: Dr. Ben Tafoya, The Decline of Middle Class Incomes and Political InequalityThursday, October 20, 2011:
Arthur MacEwan: The Economic Crisis: How Can We Fix Things?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011: Catherine Finnoff: 10 Phoney Facts About the US Economy, Keeping it Real for the 99 (CANCELLED)
Sunday, October 16, 2011:
Julie Nelson: What Economists Got Wrong and What We've Got to Do to Fix It
Saturday, October 15, 2011: Julie Matthaei: Occupy the Economy: An Introduction to the Solidarity EconomyFriday, October 14, 2011:
Alejandro Reuss: Class and the Shift in the Distribution of Income Against Workers and in favor of Capitalists Juliet Schor: Why Unemployment Is So High and How We Can Reduce It
Tuesday, October 11, 2011:
Bryan Snyder: A Primer on Financialization John Miller: Up Against the Wall Street Journal
Monday, October 10, 2011:
Arjun Jayadev: The False Doctrine of Austerity Sunday, October 9, 2011:
Friday, October 7, 2011: Austerity Games and the Global Impacts of Wall Street
Citizens United & Elections Forum
For video archive of recorded teach-ins from the Occupy Boston Citizens United Forum, click here.
Saturday, January 21, 2012: Citizens United Summit to Unite Citizens for Democracy on the anniversary of the Citizens United decision, the wide coalition of groups standing together to get money out of politics include Boston Amendment Group, Coffee Party in Boston, Common Cause, Corporate Accountability International, Dollars and Sense, Free Speech for People, Greater Boston Move to Amend, Massachusetts Nurses Association, MassVote, Progressive Massachusetts, Public Citizen, and Root Strikers.
- 9:30am Community Gathering
- 10am Lawrence Lessig
- 11:20am Break-out Session: Where do We Go Next?
- 12:30pm The Supreme Court & Citizens United: How Did We Get Here? (Donna Palermo)
- 1pm Powermapping (with Patrick Frank and Grace Morris)
- 2:30pm Break-out Group Proposals
- 3:15pm Citizens Lobbying Training Workshop (Grace Ross, Avi Green, Pam Wilmot)
- 4pm Next Steps (Jules Levine)
- 4:20pm Working Groups Open House
Friday, January 20, 2012: Rally to Unite Citizens for Democracy
- We the People (Representative Cory Atkins)
- Cross-Partisan Organizing: Finding Areas of Agreement (Szelena Gray)
- Break-out Groups: Corporate Influence: Financial Industry, Environment, Military Spending, Immigration, Agri-Business, and more...
- 5:45pmOccupy Legislation Handbook From Progressive Massachusetts (Senator Jamie Eldridge)
- 6:15pm Corporate Personhood 101: A Panel Discussion (John Bonifaz and Malia Lazu)
- 6:30pm Q & A Session
- 7pm Break-out Groups: Citizens United in Context, Money in Politics: Communication Strategies, Campaign Money, Lobbying Industry, Corporate Personhood-Supreme Court, Corporate Accountability, Corporate Personhood pros and Cons.
- 7:30pm Reception & entertainment
Sunday, December 18, 2011: Unrig the Elections - Let us Count! A discussion with Jonathan Simon, founding member of Election Defense AllianceSunday, December 11, 2011: Public Financing of Election Campaigns -- A Way Station; Fair, Just and Good Government--Our Destination, with Jules LevineSaturday, December 10, 2011: Donna Palermino: History of Citizens United and its Implications, organized by Citizens United to End Political Bribery WGSunday, December 4, 2011: Publicly-Funded Elections & Repairing Representative Government (CANCELLED)Sunday, November 27, 2011: Rigged Elections: Corporations--the 1 Percent--Own and Rig the Elections of the 99 Percent, Sheila ParksSunday, November 13, 2011: Public Financing of Elections--A Way Station: Fair, Just & Good Government--The Destination, Julius Levine
Non-Violence & Civil Disobedience (NVCD) Forum
Training with Linda Stout, organized by the Anti-Oppression and Nonviolence and Civil Disobedience Working Groups. For more information about Linda and the visioning idea, visit powerupnetworks.org.
- Saturday January 14, 2012: Collective Visioning Workshop, breathe, reflect, and envision together where we want to be, how to get there
- Saturday January 14, 2012: Train the Trainers Session, share ideas about strategy, movement-building, and etc
Training facilitated by members of the New England Nonviolence Trainers Network, Alliance of Community Trainers and the Health Justice Working Group
- Sunday, December 18, 2011: Direct Action Strategy & Action: Planning - Digging a Little Deeper
- Saturday, December 17, 2011: Non-Violent Direct Action Training
Saturday, December 10, 2011: Facilitation & Group Process Training: agendas, meetings, decision-making models, challenging people
Preparedness in Actions, Strengthening Our Spirit & Building Community - Training facilitated by members of the NVCD Working Group
- Friday, November 25: presented by John Bach
- Monday, November 21: presented by Catherine Hoffman
- Saturday, November 19
- Friday, November 18: presented by Minga Clagget-Borne
What is Violence? What is Nonviolence? - Roundtable Discussion co-facilitated by members of the NVCD Working Group
- Saturday, November 12
- Monday, November 7
The Practice of Nonviolence and Civil Disobedience - Workshop presented by Rick Colbath-Hess
- Wednesday, November 9
- Saturday, October 29
- Saturday, October 22
- Monday, October 10
Military Forum
For video archive of recorded teach-ins from the Occupy Boston Military Forum, click here.
Monday, February 13, 2012: Black Soldiers in the War of the Slaveowners' Rebellion with Quentin DavisSunday, January 15, 2012: Getting Things Straight on Iraq: Peace Movement Briefing with Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi-Palestinian architect, blogger, political analystSunday, November 27, 2011: Jim Scarborough, A Matter of Honor: Veterans & the First Amendment (also on Tuesday, November 22, 2011)Tuesday, November 22, 2011: Joseph Gerson, The Case Against America's Militarized "Pacific Century": Real Economic Security and Preventing Another WarThursday, November 10, 2011: Black Soldiers in the War of the Slaveowners Rebellion, stories from the Massachusetts 54th and 55th in the Civil WarMonday, November 7, 2011: Gaza & Palestine: The Israeli Siege and the Passion of Human Rights Activists throughout the World with Ridgely FullerSaturday, November 6, 2011: The Wall Street ComplexSaturday, October 22, 2011: Cut Military Spending, Fund Our CommunitiesThursday, October 20, 2011: Brian Wilson, author of "Blood on the Tracks," founding member of Smedley D. Butler Brigade of Veterans For PeaceWednesday, October 19, 2011: Afghanistan: Why Obama Must Change CourseSunday, October 16, 2011: Cindy Sheehan, activist, mother of soldier killed in Iraq (CANCELLED)Saturday, October 8, 2011: US Wars in the Middle East: Much Ado About Oil
OBRadio: Veterans for Peace
This weekly radio broadcast organized by members of the Smedley D. Butler Brigade of Veterans For Peace streams live on OB Radio every Monday night at 6:00pm. Call 617-506-9726 with questions or comments during the show, or join the IRC chat at occupyboston.org/radio.
Monday, February 13, 2012: Hosted by Bob Funke
Monday, February 6, 2012 (6:00pm): Hosted by Bob Funke, member of the Peace Action Working Group at Occupy Boston and Vietnam Veteran For Peace. Funke intends to introduce Veterans For Peace, talk about what the organization stands for and how they support various community peace organizations and community groups, including Occupy Boston. Veterans For Peace is a non-profit educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war employing the motto "De Oppresso Liber" (Liberate the Oppressed). Having dutifully served our nation, the veterans affirm a greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace, working with others to this end
- Toward increasing public awareness of the costs of war
- To restrain our government from intervening, overtly and covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations
- To end the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons
- To seek justice for veterans and victims of war
- To abolish war as an instrument of national policy.
To achieve these goals, members of Veterans For Peace pledge to use non-violent means and to maintain an organization that is both democratic and open with the understanding that all members are trusted to act in the best interests of the group for the larger purpose of world peace.
Cost of War Series
Saturday, November 12, 2011: military family and veteran speakout organized by the Peace Action
- Sarah Fuhro, mother of soldier who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan: Opening Remarks
- Wayne Jaquith: How the Wars Started, their Impact, and Lessons to Learn to Avoid Future Wars
- Native American Drumming: Songs for Healing and New Beginnings
- 22-year-old Iraqi Refugee
Veteran Listening Sessions
- Robert Funke, Vietnam Veteran
- Vietnam Veteran, Corporal Jeffrey M. Lucey Chapter of Veterans for Peace
- Rachel McNeill, Jason Mizula, and Ryan Cahill
Military Family Listening Sessions
- Alice Copeland Brown, mother of Army officers from Canton, Massachusetts
- Joyce and Kevin Lucey, parents of Corporal Jeff Lucey, who committed suicide in 2004
- Carlos and Melida Arredondo, parents of Lance Corporal Alexander Arredondo, who was killed in 2004 in Iraq
Health Justice Forum
For video archive of recorded teach-ins from the Occupy Boston Health Justice Forum, click here.
Sunday, November 20, 2011: Reproductive Justice and Economic Justice, with Marlene Fried, organized by the Women's CaucusSaturday, November 12, 2011: Health Justice Speak Out, organized by the Health Justice Working GroupSaturday, November 5, 2011: Health Justice Forum, organized by the Health Justice Working Group
- Jim Recht and Mardge Cohen: Reoccupy the Health System through Single Payer Health Reform
- Jeremy Barofsky, Jacob Bor, and Ashley Winning: Economic Crisis, Austerity, and the Health of the 99%
- Katrina Ciraldo: How a Financial Transaction Tax Can End AIDS
Immigration Forum
Sunday, December 4, 2011
- Teach-In on Secure Communities, presented by Centro Presente and the Immigration Working Group
Sunday, October 23, 2011: Immigration Forum
- Neighbors United for a Better East Boston (NUBE): Opening Address and Welcome
- Tania Bruguera, Immigrant International Movement
- Peter Lowber: Opposing Secure Communities and Other Anti Immigrant Attacks; Vigils; Support for Human Rights and Immigrant Workers Rights
- Heloisa Maria Galvao, co-founder and the Executive Director of the Brazilian Women’s Group
- Carlos Rosales, Immigrant Worker Center Collaborative
- Break Out Discussion Group
Anarchism Forum
For video archive of recorded teach-ins from the Occupy Boston Anarchist Forum, click here.
- Sunday, October 9, 2011: An Intro to Modern Anarchism: Isn't Libertarian Socialism a Contradiction?
Series by Dennis Fox, retired professor of Legal Studies and Psychology, University of Illinois-Springfield:
- Wednesday, February 1, 2011: Anarchism, Democracy, and Occupy (on FSU-Radio)
- Tuesday, October 25, 2011: Anarchism & Psychology
- Tuesday, October 11, 2011: Anarchist Occupation Issues
- Saturday, October 8, 2011: Anarchism, Psychology, and Law
Occupy Film
Monday, December 19, 2011: The Take, a film by Avi Lewis and Naomi Klien about thirty unemployed auto-parts workers who walk into their idle factory, roll out sleeping mats and refuse to leave.
Saturday, December 17, 2011: This Is What Democracy Looks Like, a film about the mass demonstrations and coordinated direct actions in Seattle in 1999 that shut down the World Trade Organization's ministerial meeting
Saturday, December 10, 2011: We Interrupt This Empire, a film documenting the mass coordinated direct action in San Francisco after the start of the Iraq War
Wednesday, November 9, 2011: How To Start A Revolution, followed with commentary by Ruaridh Arrow (director) and Jamila Raqib (Albert Einstein Institute)
Other Teach-Ins
Friday, January 13, 2012 (Saint Paul's Cathedral, 138 Tremont St, Boston, MA): Starting a Non-Profit: The Nuts and Bolts, this teach-in considered the various types of non-profits, including public lobbies, foundations, and charities, as well as nuts-and-bolts non-profits that provide direct services to the public (such as affordable housing, alternative medicine, and ground-up job training). It also focused on how the formation of non-profits helps the public lobby and protest movements. The program included a discussion of what it's like to be developing and working for a non-profit that provides open-structured learning environments for adults. Lachlan Youngs is a volunteer peer worker who teaches ceramics, beaded jewelry, and modern music in an open-structured learning environment for adults. He directs a federal non-profit charity, "The Cape Workshop Collaborative."
Saturday, December 31, 2011: Roving Soap Box Street Corner Teach-Ins at First Night New Year's Eve Celebration in BostonMonday, December 19, 2011: Antonio Gramsci and the Occupy Movement, Lecture / Discussion with anthropologist Elizabeth Ferry (POSTPONED)Wednesday, December 14, 2011: OWS Forum on Jobs for All: Proposed DemandSunday, December 11, 2011: Adopt an Occupier, hosted by Occupy NewtonSaturday, December 3, 2011: Corporate Negligence & Bhopal, India: An Ongoing Disaster with The International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal (VIDEO)Thursday, December 1, 2011: Reading Group Planning Meeting (meet in front of the Library)
Sunday, November 20, 2011:
Friday, November 18, 2011:
- Political Policing in the United States: Historical Perspectives on the Challenges Confronting the Occupy Movement, with Brendan McQuade
- Power & Visibility: “The Means of Correct Training,” from Michel Foucault’s Discipline and Punish
Thursday, November 17, 2011: From the Civil Rights Movement to the Occupy MovementWednesday, November 16, 2011: Fight for Our Basic Property Rights: The Big Bank's Fraud at Registries of Deeds, John O'BrienSunday, November 13, 2011:
- From Occupation to Revolution with John Spritzler
- Workshop: Augusto Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed, games and exercises for social justice
Thursday, November 10, 2011:
- The Neuroscience of Greed with Rick Heller
- Public Class Meeting: Prisoner's Rights Legal Clinic, Northeastern University School of Law
Wednesday, November 9, 2011: Workshop: Your Rights at Work with Anneta Argyres and Tess EwingMonday, November 7, 2011:
Sunday, November 6, 2011: Workshop: Augusto Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed, games and exercises for social justiceSaturday, November 5, 2011:
- Discussion: Where Do We Go From Here? with Todd Gitlin
- Youth, Justice, and Democracy in El Salvador with Margarito Nolasco
Tuesday, November 1, 2011: C.T. Butler, Consensus: So That All Voices May Be Heard
Sunday, October 30, 2011:
Saturday, October 29, 2011: Glenn Greenwald: With Liberty and Justice for Some (CANCELLED)
Friday, October 28, 2011:
- Dennis Fox, Challenging Basic Assumptions: Personal & Political
- Askold Melnyczuk, Crafting Your Story: A Fiction Workshop
Wednesday, October 26, 2011:
- Nancy Murray, Director of Education, ACLU-Massachusetts, "The USA PATRIOT ACT and You"
- Roar Sheppard, author, Group Discussion
Sunday, October 23, 2011:
Saturday, October 22, 2011:
- Prisoners Realities, workshop with the Asheville Tranzmission Prison Project
- Anonymity & Security on the Web (VIDEO)
Sunday, October 16, '2011: Occupy Boston: Talking to People Passing By
Saturday, October 15, 2011:Wednesday, October 12, 2011:
- Matthew Lowe, Active Listening 101: How to Have a Friendly Disagreement
- On Labor Day: Importance and Tactics of Building a Worker's Party
Monday, October 10, 2011:
- Indigenous People's Day Teach-in on Palestine
- Student Power: Building a New University in the Shell of the Old
- Active Listening 101: How to Have a Friendly Disagreement (VIDEO)
Sunday, October 9, 2011:
- Open Discussion: Tools Against Sexism within the Occupy Boston Movement
- Alex Gourevitch, professor, post-doctoral student at Brown University, The Meaning of "We Are The 99 Percent" (BLOG)
Friday, October 7, 2011:
- Kate Bonner-Jackson: "Translation Is Not A Crime: The Case for Tarek Mehanna"
- Effective Deep Green Resistance: A Strategy Conversation
- From the Battlefield to the Home Front: Technologies of Control in America (VIDEO)