Creating a MediaWiki Development Environment
Creating a MediaWiki development environment
Obtaining the Source
mkdir cd git init git remote add origin ssh:// git fetch origin git checkout master
Here's what the result should look like.
$ ls total 8 4 mediawiki/ 4 robots.txt
The "mediawiki" directory will be your document root.
Setup a Virtual Host
Add an IP/hostname mapping to your hosts files (e.g., /etc/hosts). For example: obwiki.local
Add a virtualhost to your web server. For example
<VirtualHost localhost:80> ServerName obwiki.local DocumentRoot /PATH/TO/ </VirtualHost>
Initial Wiki Install
Go to http://obwiki.local; click "set up the wiki".
Go through the wiki installation process. I'll assume that you're using MySQL, a username of "obwiki", and a database name of "obwiki".
Don't worry too much about the initial configuration parameters. We'll set up the confgiuration in a subsequent step.
At the end of the installation, MediaWiki will ask you to save a LocalSettings.php file. Save this file as LocalSettings-install.php.
Configuration Setup
cd mediawiki # this is the document root cp LocalSettings-example.php LocalSettings.php
Now, edit LocalSettings.php. Fill in the values from LocalSettings-install.php.
Noteworthy Configuration Directives
If you'd like to use mod_rewrite, add the following to your webserver's virtualhost definition:
RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/*$ http://obwiki.local/wiki/Main_Page [L] RewriteRule ^/?wiki/(.*)$ /index.php?title=$1 [PT,L,QSA]
If you don't want to use mod_rewrite, add this line to LocalSettings.php
$wgArticlePath = false;
You may also want to add
$wgUseSquid = false;
Additional Setup for Plugins
We enable several MediaWiki plugins, and some of these plugins require additional database tables. To install the additional database tables:
cd mediawiki php maintenance/update.php
At this point, you should be able to create and edit pages in your development environment.
Miscellaneous Notes
If you'd like to look at boggs server configuration for, you'll find it in ~obwiki/
The live document root is ~obwiki/ Note that this is a checked out copy of git repository.