Strategic Planning Notes June 1

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Here are my (Terra's) notes. Please elaborate with what I missed/or got wrong. If you send me back stuff, I'll consolidate it. Or better yet, do it yourself here on the wiki. If someone wants to take the lead and do it for people, even better. But these are my notes. I realize that it's "Occupy the Economy" slanted because of my tendency to "show them", rather than talk about it, but I'm putting this out there to at least get my notes.

Theresa...Rita and I had a beer after, and we're thinking maybe of having a few core people to go over this or whatever we come up with and see if we can have a list of things to focus on for the next meeting. So that we "hit thr ground running" on Friday. I don't really care one way or the other. But I do think we'll get a lot more done if a bunch of us are on the same page.


Short Term (6-12 months): - Society --- $15/hour minimum wage - OB --- get community communication coordinated, calendar, lists, prioritization, etc

Long Term (1 year plus): - Society --- equal access to basic food/healthcare/shelter/education --- environmental justice --- 50% of workers in worker-controlled businesses/collectives/orgs by 2050

Note sure if "getting rid of corporate personhood" is a goal or a strategy/tactic. Not sure what else needs to go into short term. My notes ended when I got into "pizza crisis mode" last night.


Strategies that seemed to emerge from the conversation...the parts that I heard. Remember...strategies are NOT TACTICS. Tactics are what you use to ACHIEVE the goal VIA the strategy. So specific tactics usually get talked about once we agree on the actual strategies and goals. In other words it's much easier to talk about tactics if the group agrees on the goals and strategies. Of course, don't stop your "actions" til we get our strategies/goals in place. But experience indicates the the more a group agrees on goals and strategies to get to the goals, the more effective the actions are.

4 Pronged Strategic Approach (all happening in parallel)

1. Public Education/Awareness/Direct Actions 2. Internal Organizing and training (process/skills, both technical and organization and on-the-street DA skills) 3. Education/Facilitation of Business Operations (starting Occupy-type businesses/social enterprises/co-ops), Occupying the Economy. 4. Media AS SUPPORT. There is, of course "media direct action", like doing a twitter storm or whatever to achieve a specific goal, but media support to "tell the story". So to write pieces that tell "the whole story". Help make sure that individual WGs aren't telling a part of the story, without relating it to the whole.

TACTICS to achieve the strategies

1. a. Public Awareness - Direct Action

"Support" DA

support international actions locally. like we should have done a better job supporting NATO. looking forward, support climate action talks w/local actions, world-social-forum

support other local activist groups

Occupy Boston DA actions

whatever SAA ideas

1. b. Public Awareness - Education --- decolonize film series --- restorative justice workshops --- biz workshops

2. Internal organizing/training ---

3. Occupy the Economy --- we're already doing it. don't really need anything from OB except its blessing/guidance

4. Media SUPPORT --- this is where we need help. I think. Talk to me later. It's not worth working on tactics unless there are people willing to do the work.