Save Edit and Archive Radio Broadcast
This is a living document. Please check with your producer to make sure the information you have is up to date.
To Get a Copy of Your Recording:
- Get a flash drive that has the capacity to transfer your show, broadcast, or recording (usually 1 hour + of material)
- Talk to your producer in advance about making sure there will be time at the end of the show or broadcast to download recording
- Prior to Recording: In Butt, under the Record tab, "Rec", make sure box by "Start rec. when connected" is selected
- Prior to Recording: In Butt, under the Record tab, "Rec", in the "Filename:" field, enter the show title or "rec_(%m_%d_%y)_%i.mp3" (otherwise you may record over previous work!)
- Download a copy of your show at the end of the broadcasting or recording on your flash drive
- Save, edit and or archive the recording
To Edit Your Recording:
There are several editing programs that will allow you to edit your recording. If you are editing a recording for broadcast on OBR please remember to save it as an mp3.
We often use Audacity, as it is free, open source, and fairly easy to use. It is important to save your original file (or save the modified version as a copy) or Audacity will permanently modify your original file. Ask your producer about the possibility of a training (or better yet, help to organize one!).
To Save or Archive Your Recording
You can save one or more copies of your recording on a PC or hard drive. If you have two or more copies than it is "backed up". There are several organizations that provide server space in through which your material can also be archived. Some charge money or provide only limited space. is a free option for archiving material with historical merit, and making it available to the public.