Decolonize To Liberate
A Working Group of Occupy/Decolonize Boston
Decolonize to Liberate seeks to shed the dominator ethos and systems of oppression that come from colonization, to stand in solidarity with indigenous resistance worldwide and to help restore our relationships to Mother Earth.
[To join the email discussion group] To join the low-traffic "announcements only" list, send a request to:
Regular IN-PERSON Working Group Meetings
Cambridge, MA 02138
All are welcome to our regular weekly meetings. In general, half of the meeting is discussion/self-education/to help us decolonize ourselves (see our resources section). Half of each meeting is for planning events and actions to help decolonize the movement.
Below are the upcoming Decolonize to Liberate working group activities planned, including for this Friday. Remember that we are continuing to utilize Andrea Smith's analysis of the intertwining of heteropatriarchy with the three pillars of white supremacy
Friday, Sept. 28th: Connecting the pillar and logic of genocide/colonialism and the pillar and logic of slaveability/capitalism in the arc of U.S. history and institutional racism, we will begin a 3-part once a month series of watching "Race: The Power of an Illusion," beginning with Episode One: "The Difference Between Us," which dispels the myth of any genetic basis to race ( Regular Friday meetings take place at the First Parish in Cambridge, 6-8PM normally, 10 Church Street, accessible via the Harvard Square T-Stop, go to the far church entrance on Church Street and ring the bell for entrance.
For Friday, Sept. 28th, try to read the below five short links for more information on misconceptions of a biological basis to race:
If you want even more to read, see the below link as well:
Tuesday, Sept. 30th: Occupy Boston's Anniversary! Information at Occupy Boston website.
Hold the following dates in October: Monday, Oct. 8th Indigenous Peoples' Day; Friday, Oc. 12th (Umang will lead a discussion of a video episode of "Guns, Germs, and Steel" based on the book of the same title) Friday, Oct. 26th (probable viewing of episode two of "Race: The Power of an Illusion").
See Upcoming Events page for more details
Calls to Action!
See Calls to Action page for more details
Getting Connected with the Working Group
To sign up on our new announcements-only (low traffic) list, please send an email to: Decolonize-subscribe[at]
Feel free to contact decolonizeboston[at] with any questions or to get involved.
Please Follow us on Twitter!: @DecolonizeBos
And now we have a facebook page, too!
Decolonize Resources
What is "Decolonization"? A collection of definitions and explanations
Decolonize To Liberate resource page Links, articles, videos and 'zines!
Decolonizing Declarations from Occupies Across the Continent
Past Events
Many thanks to everyone who joined us for the Decolonize to Liberate Occupy Boston Community Gathering. Check out the recap of the event on
Many thanks to all who were able to join us in Plymouth for the 42nd National Day of Mourning!
The Boston Globe produced an article and a video about our visit to Plymouth.
You can read the article,"In Solidarity, Occupy Group Joins with Native Americans" also a video, "Occupy Boston Protesters in Plymouth"
A member of the working group was also interviewed in a Democracy Now! special on the event:
Native Americans Mark Day of Mourning on Thanksgiving: 'We are not Vanishing, We Are Not Conquered'
See Also