Strike Debt Meeting - 25 Mar 2013

Revision as of 19:48, 28 March 2013 by Srevilak (talk | contribs) (revised version)
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(Rich's notes). Original: Strike_debt_3-25.docx

So here is what I have from Monday - for clarification these notes were the original notes from 3/19 but I updated them largely in red or italics) on Monday 3/25 and have made corrections for errors in what I sent out recently so these are actually the real ones!!!!

OUR next meeting Monday 4/3 7PM Food Court in Transportation building

follow-up meeting after 4/6

  • will come in with a time and date and place for follow-up meeting (we still have to determine the time date and place)next meeting at CCB either Sunday 4/14 4PM or Tues 4/16 &PM TBD revised to Sunday 4/21 7-9
  • Rich will draft a leaflet about What are the Next steps in Resisting Student Debt with time and place; examples Jubilee, Quebec. Debt Boulder (taking it around) linkage to I am not a Loan (Joe will try to contact) during the program on April six someone will have spoken about the Jubilee, the Qu?bec strike (Dana has someone to contact), what's happening in Oakland (more info Rich will ask) perhaps (after further checking) the I Am Not a Loan website, perhaps the idea of spreading the resistance may be using the Debt Boulder in different communities and in the fall in different schools

agenda and sequence for the meeting

  • schedule: rich can try that
    • 2-2:20 DJ (Dana has 2 possibilities) milling about - set up
    • 2:20-2:30
      • Skit#1
      • introduction Steve and perhaps Kendra or Julia) covering Jubilee, next meeting etc. , introducing Debt Boulder Rich will bring it)
      • 1st testimonial kendra
    • 2:30-2:50 Dan Clauson
    • 2:50-3:15 Music Rick Berlin (Dana will contact to confirm)
    • 3:15-3:55
      • Skit#2
      • Intro again
      • Testimonial 2 still looking - everyone look around and ask - Rich Little Dave Hannah (Rich)
      • Perhaps OWS Dana??? and/or Oakland by skype rich will ask
      • Larry - 5-10 minutes
      • Collection call
      • Testimonial 3
    • 3:55-4:20 Music Licious
    • 4:20-5:
      • Skit#3
      • Perhaps total debt of folks who attended
      • Re-intro and talk about next meeting
      • More tabling

leaflets and outreach

  • Final leaflet done (Thanks)
  • Ian will make 2 color leaflets 300 single ones and 200 with 4 mini leaflet each to be distributed next week
  • it will be posted on the Facebook page for OB and everyone list (Steve and Dana)
  • Ian has set up a spreadsheet with possible contacts and folks to contact where people can sign up about who they can contact (Ian will send that site out again)
    • Please check it and write in new places to be contact and what you can and have done so everyone can be aware
    • Larry said he can do a bunch of distribution around central square Harv Sq and E Boston - UMAss Boston & DSA (James) Rich (BU) Joe (JP) Kendra (Arling/Central Sq) Ian (Tufts&MTA) MIT Radio (Kendra and Steve) - downtown (Kendra) Northeastern student (Ian) sustainability group at Bunker Hill (Kendra) anarchist lists (James) - boston collective house list (James)
  • Others will distribute where they are in communities and colleges

Food - Food not Bombs under conrtol


  • Kendra said she would put together a press release but we still need contacts to send it to kendra circulated ity internally and will distribute externally including The Dig the dig
  • rich said he would contact Steve Annear at the Metro in process
  • Joe would follow-up with Cambridge TV coverage in process
  • Dana would follow-up Jason at with open media reporter will come
  • Carolyn will check back with MIT radio for additional announcements and/or spacer (Steve volunteered) scheduled
  • to talk to John Dwyer about Irregular Radio - speakers could be Steve Kendra (?) Rich as backup) will only discuss on Facebook so no go -

music under control Thanks Dana


Dana will check a price for production and next week based on that we will determine what kind of T short we want and where to get them should cost $300 for 50 2 color shirts - dana will front $

wall posters at the event

  • we need to get the paper and the tape in the writing tools Joe Rich has some too)
  • One sheet for people signing in with their debt
  • One sheet for ideas/comments/graphics and ideas for next steps
  • Carolyn will get board for sign up - Ian will make sheet with column for working on organizing and column for people who want o be notified of events etc. ) broken into those who want to be part of the group and those who would like to be notified about events


  • tabling could go the whole time
    • need tables and chairs didn't finalixze this!!!
  • James will bring
      • 100 copies of pamphlets by George and Graeber
      • A bibliography (1 page?) 100 copies?
      • Resource list (1 page) 100 copies?
      • Dana will ask Dan if he has copies of his book for sale
      • Debt Resistors organizers Manual JOEwill bring them?
      • Fliers for next meeting rich will make (For real this time)
      • There might have been other additions here

collecting money at the event

  • 3 cans, 1 for bands, 1 for geneal donations and 1 for T Shirt (I think butg this may be wrong since my computer ran out of power and I can't find my other notes)
  • Rich will make signs for the cans Joe will bring them

we may need additional specific logistics

that's all that I have any additions or corrections are more than welcome