Assabet River Valley Green Rainbow Party

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This the page that the Assabet River Valley Green Rainbow Party is using. For information about the state level chapter of the [Green Rainbow Party, click here] For information about what the party ["stands for", click here]



AssabetRiver Valley Chapter Green-Rainbow Party

Proposed By-Laws for Founding Meeting

Article I – Name

The name of our organization is the AssabetRiver Valley Chapter(ARVC), of the Green-Rainbow Party.The GRP is the MA affiliate of the Green Party of the US.

Article II – Purpose

A. Encourage the development of Town and City committees in the general area of the AssabetRiver, or generally,Metro-Northwest Boston. B. Serve as a networking structure for members to communicate, share ideas and experiences, and provide mutual support and fellowship. C. Nominate Green-Rainbow candidates for elected office, occasionally endorse independent candidates, and support these candidates with contributions of money and volunteer help. D. Work to take Corporate money out of politics. E. Work on issues that will contribute toward stronger, greener, and more equitable communities. F. Encourage and support members to be involved in the State and National Green Party. G. Advocate for the needs of diverse communities and foster diversity within our chapter. H. Take action to better lives in our communities by taking on powerful interests.

Article III – Membership

A. The State Party bylaws state “Membership in the Green-Rainbow Party is open to all residents of Massachusetts, regardless of age, who are not registered voters in another party or political designation.” 1. Voting on chapter matters is limited to actual members. B. Members are required to pay State dues to the Green-Rainbow Party (fee waivers are available). C. Members are to be familiar with the 10 Key Values of the Green Party. 1. Ecological Wisdom 2. Social Justice 3. Grassroots Democracy 4. Nonviolence 5. Decentralization 6. Community-based Economics 7. Feminism 8. Respect for Diversity 9. Personal and Global Responsibility 10. Sustainability

Article IV – Meetings, Decision Making & Conduct

A. There will be at least one scheduled monthly meeting unless the chapter votes in advance to suspend. B. Quorum will be at least 5 members of the chapter present C. Roberts Rules of Order will prevailfor procedural issues, except decisions will be made on a basis of modified consensus 1. A serious attempt will be made to listen and attempt to incorporate differences of opinion into a decision that every member of the chapter can support. 2. If this fails, procedural and unimportant decisions can be made by a majority (1/2 + 1) vote. Important decisions must be made by at least a 2/3 vote. D. Facilitators at all meetings will assure equal opportunity for all voices to be heard. E. Between meeting decisions can be initiated by email. 1. Any member who has attended at least 1 meeting in the previous 6 months can initiate 2. Email will describe the action/endorsement to be approved and why it is important to do so immediately 3. 3 additional current members must endorse the motion within 72 hours for it to pass. 4. Any current (2)member(2) who objects will veto the proposal 5. When it is an extremely urgent matter a member can propose a motion be passed in less than 72 hours 6. Insulting, personal, or threatening language will not be allowed. A moderator will be assigned to monitor emails and can remove individuals from the listserv. F. All meetings are open to everyone, member or not, and can only be closed to non-members by advance vote of 75% of the previous monthly meetings attendance. G. The State Green-Rainbow Party and the Greater Boston Chapter cannot interfere with the local chapters’ affairs and decision making as long as the local adheres to the Ten Key Values or attempt to undermine the Party’s stated purpose (per the GRP By-Laws). Their advice is encouraged. H. Insulting and threatening behavior is cause for removal upon a vote by 2/3 of the membership.

Article V – Officers, Committees, Responsibilities

A. Diversity in the selection of officers is encouraged B. Officers required 1. Female & Male Co-Chairs 2. Treasurer, Secretary, or combined C. Any other officers the local chooses to select D. The duties and responsibilities of each officer will be determined before the election E. The tasks of facilitator, recorder, timekeeper, stacker will rotate for each meeting F. The length of office term, not to exceed 1 year, will be set before their election. Officers are limited to 2 consecutive terms G. Removal of an officer must be preceded by an executive session where the effected officer can respond to all charges and complaints. A majority votes (50%+) is required to remove an officer H. Committees can be established and abolished at will 1. Reports will be submitted on a regular basis 2. Reports can be submitted by email or at the monthly or special meetings

Article VI – Ratification and Amendment of the By-Laws

A. Efforts will be made to contact all GRP members in the chapter’s area and invite them to the founding meeting B. At the founding meeting, the by-laws will be ratified and officers will be nominated and elected C. Ratified by-laws and recorded minutes will be sent to the Secretary of the GRP D. Amendment of the by-laws required 2/3rds vote of members present at a regular monthly or special meeting, provided the amendment – proposed by 2 or more “active members” (see Article IV,E,1) – has been communicated via the local’s email list at least 8 days prior to the meeting