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This is the home of the informal working group aiming to establish philosophical foundations for the movement. Topics and implications include, but are not limited to: assumptions and premises for moral obligations, organizational requirements, and prioritizing action.

A Social Singularity

The internet currently connects roughly 1 of every 6 persons. It is the primary vehicle by which a social movement becomes organized. While there are pockets of fully connected and disconnected peoples, the diversity of voices known and represented is expanding rapidly. The internet implores in us an awareness of the sum of human knowledge. We must therefore organize a People's Forum dedicated to addressing the implications of a socially connected global society. This historic event may be considered the coming of a Social Singularity.

Establishing Structure

In organized knowledge, there is a naturally induced hierarchical structure. This document suggests that an hierarchy of working groups be established to determine and respond to the needs of globally managed society. For simplicity, this document uses the phrase 'government and law' in the place of any type of managerial authority.

Process Requirements

  1. The language and process of government and law should be entirely knowable.
    • 'Entirely knowable' implies simplicity of language and process so much that any publicly educated individual can understand and describe every aspect of government and law. This requires absolute transparency and complete documentation of all 'legal' events.
  2. The total function of government and law should be entirely executable.
    • 'Entirely executable' implies simplicity of function so much that any publicly educated individual can participate in the practical application of government and law. This requires equal opportunity for participation at every level of organization.
  3. The status of government and law should be determined out of the collaboration and consensus of individuals from which authority is derived.
  4. Government and law should be morally progressive - ruling upon principle rather than word.

The current function of the General Assembly is wrought with issues.

  1. It is unclear whether the process is entirely knowable. There have been suggestions to laminate hand-outs describing the functions of the assembly, but it unknown whether this has been implemented as a standard, and to what effect. The function of the GA must be made knowable, preferably through simplicity of process, but if necessary through a public poster above the stage. During an assembly, there should not be any slowing of process due to lack of clarity. The movement has been in motion far too long to lack clarity.
  2. The functions, intents, and general organization of Working Groups is not standardized and does not utilize all available tools to maximize engagement with the people. The Facilitation WG has achieved little success in standardizing any processes. Furthermore, when noted of this issue, the FWG essentially denied that it was the correct organization to be pursuing such a standardization. The creation of this page is a response to that denial, as is it clear by their mission statements that no other working groups wish to address this issue.

If the movement wishes to evoke the will of the people, it must establish a process that is knowable and executable by all members of the public.