list of ideas
Add your idea with a* in front of it
- coffee break in the afternoon
- free cigarretees
- what happened online
- can we pass anything? or are we just building our bureaucracy?
- strategic ways to vote with our dollars
- affinity group email alert system to protect the camp, see disc.
- peace song radio call in day, 6/19, see disc.
- big national demo june 19, emancipation day, see disc.
- move most of the camp once a week all winter to symbolic indoor locations, see disc.
- add How We Will Change It word cloud
- move to St. Paul's in the name of Jesus the Healer, see disc.
- Name the camp wind turbine, Cape Wind
- Aim a digeridoo at the Federal Reserve, see disc.
- Camp Protectors Pledge of Resistance, see disc.
- Tea Party Tax Debate Challenge, see disc.
- Pen Pal a Stock Broker, blog, see disc.
- "die in" at Health Insurance Co. annual meeting,see disc.
- 24 hour reading of health insurance horror stories, see disc.
- Ranked Choice Voting for this poll
- addressing the Online/Offline divide
- Random Acts of Kindness Working Group
- Long Term Tactics
- Appreciation Board/Ritual to recognize work not violating our leaderless ethic
- Welcoming Committee
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- Non-leadership leading to small group covert leadership
- Continuing Move your Money with Move your investments