Food (Post Dewey Square)

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This page is the work space for the folks that want to continue to provide and receive food post-eviction of Occupy Boston from Dewey Square.

Post-Dewey Food Support includes food for General Assemblies, Outreach Events, Direct Actions and Benefits.

Contact Info

Join our Food Working Group Email List

Click Here for our Google Group Email List

This is a voice mail account for food issues (617) 249-4884 Feed the 99 Facebook Page

How to Request or Provide Food to an Occupy Boston Event

To request food for a OB Event: Please provide as much lead time as possible. Email with the date and time of the event, time you would like food, and what kind of food/beverage would be good. Put an email address/phone number for contact. People dropping off food at downtown locations usually will need help bringing in food. The food working group will make an effort to help provide food, but we are still working on building our capacity to meet OB's food needs.

To provide food for an OB Event: Please join and stay tuned to the OB Food Google Group where requests will circulate. You can also coordinate to provide food regularly -- for GA's, Free School University, Outreach, Community Events. Such regular food help is really needed and appreciated. In general, you can spontaneous bring food or beverages to ANY OB event and it will be appreciated -- remember that the churches don't allow food in the sanctuaries and that you will need to bring the serving utensils and disposible plates, cups, napkins and spoons/forks that your donation needs. Good food options are simple, vegetarian with vegan options, and easy to deal with and serve. Bringing a jug of water is also helpful. And cookies.

There are vegetables available for making into salad and cooked food. Contact us for details.

You can get reimbursed for food and paper/plastic goods purchases for Occupy Boston events. Bring receipts to GAs or call the FAWG: 857-417-7872 or email

More OWS/OB Food Solidarity Initiatives

Occupy Boston Soup Team

Feed the Movement is a group of New England Farmers working to support the Occupy movement with food donations and discounted sales. Here is a great video about Feed the Movement and the Occupied Kitchen at OWS: Rural Farmers and OWS

And there is Occupy the Farms

The Boston Chapter of Food Not Bombs has played a critical role in food support to OB and is continuing by endorsing and supporting Occupy Allston/Brighton and providing food to their GA. Food Not Bombs provides free food on Fridays 3-5pm on Boston Common and Sundays 3-5pm, Central Square, Cambridge.

View & contribute to the OB Boycott List and/or OB Support List to make informed decisions on food purchases, including Restaurants and Caterers to order from for OB events.