LIVE WG notes from late December 2011
This is an abridged summary of a brief livestream meeting from late December 2011
- We discussed and delegated roles for first night 2012
- Recruitment:
- We need to do a production training
- You can do it from anywhere so target off siters
- Right now we have three producers. We need at least six.
- Broadcasting needs
- Either we end up having too many at a given event/night
- Need a system of calendaring (note: lefty started a gcal that we never utilized)
- Training
- Need to pick a date and organize around that
- Once we pick a date, we'll meet and hash out details
- We need to do a production training
- Equipment Needs
- Tracy to research android tripod connectors (different for each phone!)
- Brandon to research monopods
- Eli to setup an equipment inventory
- Eli to test his Verizon hotspot to see how much data is used for streams
- Might need more battery packs moving forward
- Community gathering
- make it a huge collabo with other "live" groups (TV, notes, twitter, ect.)
- IDEA: "soapbox live!" a community gathering open mic livestreamed ect.
- part training/recruitment, part open mic
- need to a pick date
- Need to set a firm bi/weekly WG meeting date (doodle poll!)