Talk:WG/Peace Action
Working Group Meeting Notes
December 13, 2012
Upcoming Peace Actions
Peace Vigils: We decided to accept the invitation to join two existing weekly peace vigils in need of more members rather than have our own on Saturdays @ Park St. Station from 1:00-3:00 and Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 in Copley Square (across Dartmouth St. from the library). Let's remember our identity as OB peace activists. We'll incorporate our identity on our signs and in our actions. Civil Liberties March and Rally: Thursday 12/15 at Dewey Square. We endorsed this action and plan to participate.
Other Topics
Listserv: As I have had no reply from OBIT to set up a listserv, Marilyn has volunteered to do so for our group. Name Change: After discussion at two meetings, we have adopted the name Occupy Boston Action for Peace Working Group. Boston Occupier: Bob Funke is working on a draft of an article for the OB newspaper to connect militarism with the economic crisis. Please email Bob with any suggestions.
November 27, 2012
DecidedNext meeting: Sunday, December 4, 2:30 on the mezzanaine of the South Station Food Court. Peace vigil to follow the meeting: 4:30-5:30 at Dewey Square. Keep checking OB website to learn if our presence is desirable at the courthouse on December 1. Focus of our action will be on the impact of military spending as a drain on the household budgets of the 99%.AnnouncedCamp Alex is on a road tour to other Occupy/church sites in the Boston area.RequestedContact and support between Direct Action working group and Civil Disobedience/Non Violence working group and Peace Action working group.ConsideredEvent to welcome Iraq troops home. No informaation available on the arrival dates. Best ways to keep the COST OF MILITARY in the public's attention. Various graphic presentations considered.