SGCC Process for Becoming a Member
A person who would like to become a member of the Sheba Green Cleaning Co-Op should read all of the [organizational documents] and should come to a General Assembly and announce the intention to become a member. At that point, the person is considered a Potential Member.
The co-op members will decide to invite new members, based on their demostrated commitment to the principles and mission of the co-op, after a review process of 3 months. At 6 weeks, the members will discuss the Potential Member and if, by consensus, the membership agrees that the Potential Member is likely to be a good fit with the co-op, the Potential Member is invited to become an Associate Member. To become an Associate Member, the Potential Member must pay the Membership Fee.
At the end of 3 months, the membership will discuss the Associate Member, and the membership agrees that the Associate Member is likely to be a good fit with the co-op, the Associate Member will be invited to join as a Full Member. If at that time, it is decided that the Potential Member will not be a good fit with the co-op, the Membership Fee will be refunded and all formal ties with the co-op will end.
Potential members and Associate Members are invited to participate on a non-voting basis, to help organize the co-op. Consensus votes will include potential member opinions and hopes for the co-op as much as possible. But formal votes will include only Full Member votes.
Potential Members and Associate Members own no share of the liabilities of the partnership and shall have no interest in the distribution of the assets of the partnership.