WG/OBIT/Mailing list cleanup - Dana
Dana's list
- ob-media
- ob-media-external --Farhad: "Doesn't look like this one has been used since maybe June of last year."
- ob-media-multi --Farhad: "Looks like this one hasn't been used since May of last year."
- ob-media-social --Farhad "I don't think this list has been used since April of last year."
- ob-volunteer ----Eden (eden@occupyboston.org): "This one and GA Locations can be deleted."
- obit-support
- obupdates
- ob_action_announce --Linda Jenkins: "I haven't seen anything on this list. Before archiving them, is there a way for members of each list to see who was/is on them? This has been my primary concern with all these lists, and maybe this has been answered."
--Ryan Hirsch (occupynh@gmail.com): I never use the list, but could you please send out a message about the Occupy New England Regional Convergence on April 26-28 at UNH-Durham and surrounding seacoast towns before deleting? You can view more details on the website http://occcupynewengland.org
- ob_o_monsanto --Eden (eden@occupyboston.org): "ACTIVE"
- occupybostonoutreach
- occupydorchester --Liv Mora (livee19@gmail.com) "we would like to continue using it soon."
- occupyharvard
- occupymbta
- occupyneeds --Farhad: "This list hasn't been used in, like, forever. DESTROY!"
- occupynewsnetwork
- occupytosustain
- oeb
- parents4ob --Liv Mora (livee19@gmail.com) "we would like to continue using it soon."
- protestchaplains
- queertrans