WG/Transparency/Minutes/5 Nov 2011

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Revision as of 15:46, 6 November 2011 by Anonyta (talk | contribs)
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Disclaimer: I typed these up after several notetakers took notes for us (thank you!!) but in some places I couldn't figure out what was written. -Anna

Ariana (Legal), Martin (Media), Anna, (Facilitation, Mediation), Katie (Outreach), Fergie (Winterization), Eden (FSU), Chris (Spirituality), Mike (Media), Kathleen [??] (Info, Winterization), Kelley (Music), Steven [??] (Music), Leah (Women's Caucus), Gene (Media), Rachel (Logistics, Mediation)


What specific things or people (e.g. greeter, liaison to Media) do Working Groups need?

Updates from 4 groups: Mediation, Safety, Media, and Campers (not a group, but just to hear about on-site communications issues)


-Eric started a volunteer coordination working group

-We agreed to a joint meeting between Outreach, Info Tent, Media, Transparency, and Kelley (Music) and Eden (FSU) to discuss calendar solutions and volunteer coordination

Minutes [very rough, not finished, my apologies!!]

Mike (camper)  - what does this group do?

Alex - we've grown into a group helping working groups work together

Rachel - it's a place for people to be involved, for groups to come together and identify needs and possibly help each other

Kathleen - the Info Tent is not getting info

Rachel - can we agree that WGs bring info to the info tent

Logistics has whiteboards for Working Groups to use

Eden - we (FSU) print wiki pages and bring that to info

Rachel - maybe we can have a dropbox

Martin/Alex - fyi, campers do have access to the Media tent, if they are doing Working-Group-related things. For OB-related stuff, not facebook etc.

[more discussion of Media Tent access]

[interruption from John Ford: Safety team is in crisis, we need 20 mag lights, we need people who can do overnights at Safety. we need to acknowledge the crisis]

[crisis subsides]

Kelley - we need a kickstarter fund for AV equipment, and a lockbox (perhaps in the library) for our stuff. We need a skilled sound person who can sign equipment in and out

Eden - fyi, music is a "friend of OB" not a "Working Group"

Ariana - why does Music need a kickstarter, why can't it use general money

Mike - we should use the general fund only for necessities, for the winter, etc.

someone - maybe we need an AV working Group

Eric - will the music kickstarter be transparent? should GA approve kickstarter?

[agreement to recommend that when WGs seek kickstarter funds they ought to have that approved by GA]

Eden - someone canceled our speaker, we don't know who. It was somebody who came all the way from Michigan. We need greeters, a tent, etc.

ERic -  we're considering proposing Working Group tents be moved to concrete by Gandhi road, so it's possible you'll have tent space then.

Eden - classes should be on livestream, mic and PA should be made available. We need a media liaison. when there are large events, Safety and Medics should be alerted.

Alex - Livestream isn't a high priority at the moment, for Media, and there isn't enough staff.

Anna - we have a serious staffing issue, esp with specialized volunteers. Material needs, however, might be easier to satisfy.

Katie - Outreach and Info are working on coordinating volunteers and on canvassing efforts. we are also figuring out the calendar.

- we should have a database for volunteers

Eric - logistics tried to do this for a while, but we can't

Leah - Women's caucus also books speakers, and we need a streamlined process for how to do that


Gene - Media hasn't heard anything about splitting the calendar

Alex - no it was brought up at several meetings

[discussion of difficulty of getting hold of Media team, sent event announcement to 100 people on Media list and no one replies, etc.]

[proposal that liaisons from Info, Media, Transparency, outreach as well as Eden and Kelley, will meet to make Calendar solution.]

Eric - on behalf of safety, we need an overnight legal observer

- someone at Harvard is recruiting legal observers

Eric - Safety could use people with security experience.

- what is the process for bringing in volunteers?

Info - just show up, basically.

Eric - has anyone brought up possibility of volunteer coordinating group?

Katie - Terra does this from off-site, mostly

[eric makes proposal to start volunteer coordination group]

Anna - safety update (on recent restructuring and need for the whole camp, especially Working Groups, to rotate into safety and Mediation shifts)

Rachel - Mediation update (joint calendar between Safety, Medics, Comm Wellness etc? We are starting a weekly discussion, a safe circle for people to voice problems etc. Good Neighbor Agreement passed in GA, and being distributed widely. Also process for removing people from camp. Available at Info Tent. We also have a great need for volunteers.)

Mike, Eric, and Alex give camp update - (some important points from that: Arlington Church has agreed to host Tuesday GAs in inclement weather. If wind, rain, etc - not if it's just cold; there are morning GAs now, with Friday evening camp-GA being a place where non-campers can come see about problems campers are dealing with; we need a community tent!)

Alex - Media update (Media decided on having tent shifts, moving towards talking less about message of OB and positioning OB, more about occupiers and life at OB, Media now has weekly public meetings, Wednesdays 7-9pm)

reminder: Monday 8pm is a calendar/volunteer-coordination meeting! The next meeting after that will be Saturday at noon.