WG/Media/Minutes/11022011 Nov. 2
Media Working group minutes 11/2/2011 and Agenda for next meeting
Media Working Group Meeting 11/2/2011 Meeting began approx 7:20 pm and ended at 9:30 pm
In attendance: Gunner, Jason P., Alex I, Nate, Mathew S., Martin, Phil, Liam, Ariel, Michael F., Scott, Gene Facilitation - Gunner Notes - Gunner
Agenda - made at the meeting Schedules Grievances potential budget items organizing volunteers Media Tent Issues Dividing Up Media Duties/Bubbles Team Communication Defining Strategy & Goals
Who decides what we post/structure/how we deal with the following areas? -website in general -website front page blog -calendar -email -twitter -wiki -facebook
Facilitation of the Agenda: Group recognized we would not get to all of these agenda items, discussion to first set next meeting date
NEXT MEETINGS Sunday, Nov 6th - 5p-6p: Media Training for current media working group members and new members on how to talk to the press and outline of things needing to be done while on site Weds, Nov 9th, 7p-9p: Media Working Group Weekly Planning Meeting - at E5 33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor Every Weds from 7-9p Media Working Group will meet - currently at E5
Grievances - 15 mins was spent discussing this topic Areas discussed (the bullet points are the suggestions made for addressing grievance) on site coordination - Alex I feels that many who are commuters are not assisting with media tent while on site
-creating a schedule so that onsite media team campers, Alex I. and Mathew S., are only responsible for 9-5p and securing media tent after 11p, commuter team members take 5-8p slot and 8-11p slots -discussion of having a smaller media tent and creating a computer lab that logistics or library would be responsible for
being asked to coordinate the Occupy Boston Calendar
-asking info table and outreach to also be responsible for this area
Twitter team
-making this a sub-group
Train other people to talk to media
-each working group in the camp be trained to talk to media, so the media team is not totally responsible and the only voice
setting up a reoccurring class on media training including a train the trainers
Passwords - who has access to what?
-twitter -website site blog posting privileges -facebook -press list
Three Goals of Occupy Boston Media
1. Inform the General Public
-Short Term Actions - such as marches, events, GA reports etc... using press releases, blog posts, twitter/facebook, video podcasts, photo streaming, (livestreaming) -Editorialize on the issues - researched articles on the issues that fuel the Occupy movement (in conjunction with research team, but also investigative reporting) -Promote individual narratives - stories of the occupiers - (aka being reporters in the camp and interviewing those who are participating written, video, photo)
2. Inform our own Occupy Boston site and participants
3. Communicate with the rest of the Occupations around the US and the World
(last two goals were not flushed out, but need to be on future agendas)
Audit of Media Working Group Resources
How do we inform?
Twitter - 2 accounts - @Occupy_Boston & @OccupyBOS_Media unknown # of admins @Occupy_Boston - Robin, Alex I, Ariel ? @OccupyBOS_Media - ?
Facebook - 2 pages - Community page - 21 admins, Event page
Website - OccupyBoston.org
-overall privileges for the whole site - Gregg H and maybe others? -main page - posting privileges that we could identify - Alex I., Alex P., Joshua E., Jason P.
Subpages/sections that need some admin/editing from time to time
-calendar - admins Joshua E., Gunner, ???
-livestream - admins?
Minor/Infrequent updates for the other static pages like about, directions, etc
Would like to have the whole site in different languages - for know flyers, main blog updates, static pages pages like about, directions, etc..
Press Releases currently Gunner is the one sending out press releases - access to press database - Gunner, Jason P., Nadeem
Video You Tube Vimeo admins?
Live Stream which accounts? admins?
Flickr Group admins?
Misc Questions - Tumblr account? Volunteer database
EMAIL addresses occupybostonmedia@gmail.com occuoyboston@gmail.com commboston@gmail.com
various people checking address but not regularly admins of password to these email address?
Jason P. has password to occupybostonmedia@gmail.com and was also given to Mathew
Listserve Ob-media@lists.occupyboston.org, - current active list occupy-boston-media@googlegroups.com, - NO longer in use, needs to be archived then deleted
Google Docs volunteer spreadsheet draft and final press releases press contacts data base Participant willing to speak to media database
Onsite Equipment laptops - 5 onsite, 2 being repaired power strips & cords printer ? lamp
mixer/PA - this is GA's not media responsibility
10-2p - Press Liaisons - mainstream press on site looking for interviews etc..
Emergency requests from other working groups - to twitter something - email request for media interview, blog posting, or press release to be written, calendar posting, plus various non-media related requests -personal face to face request for press release, blog posting, or website update
People stopping by looking for general info
General Coverage
-video -livestream -photos -press release/blog posting
Livestream - GAs, talks, events onsite, marches
Twitter on site of GAs, marches, events, talks
Calendar Updates
Website Updates
Blog posts to be written
Press Releases to be written
Interviewing participants and writing human interest pieces and/or doing short video interviews
aggregate press clippings
email answering
press monitoring
writing letters to the editor
video editing
photo editing
press release writing of non-urgent material/matters
facebook posting
twitter for Occupy Boston Media account of press hits etc...
ON SITE Schedule in Media Tent/Area
M-F 9 am - 5pm Alex I, Mathew S. recruiting Joshua S., and Josha E. (as they are usually there) Phil
Volunteers Needed M-F 5-8p 8-11p
Weekends 10-5p 5-8p 8-11p
Issues Addressed
Calendar to be moved off media as main responsibility and be given to info desk to deal with
Volunteer Schedules Gene and Martin will work on putting something out and helping to schedule volunteers
OccupyBostonMedia@gmail.com Mathew will go in and start answering emails and do an email audit to see what kinds of emails are coming in so we can create folders and also figure out if there emails that just need to be forwarded to other working groups
For future agenda
Media List serve How to turn the chatter in productivity list being used more general discussion than conversation about who is going to do what as far as blogging, writing, interviewing
Agenda items that still need to be addressed at next meeting
Schedules potential budget items organizing volunteers Dividing Up Media Duties/Bubbles Team Communication
Next Meeting Weds, Nov 9th, 7p-9p: Media Working Group Weekly Planning Meeting - at E5 33 Harrison Ave, 5th floor We will need: Facilitator Note taker Someone to Report to GA
Any additional agenda items - We need a few things to start producing content.
1) A space to work. We have a VERY small desk now (at E5), and we need to start paying rent.
2) An editing station that remains at the work space. This is a mac powerful enough to render HD, and a large HDD (3TB should suffice for now).
3) Video editors, Shooters, and Audio Engineers to work on content that is piling up.
This can be addressed in 2 steps. Pass a budget with GA (after our group agrees), and then sift the chaos that is volunteer emails from all media accounts and sign-up lists.