WG/Direct Action

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This is the homepage for the Direct Action Committee of Occupy Boston.


We have open meetings every Monday-Friday evening at 4:00 pm in the Direct Action tent. Get involved!

We have marches generally planned for 2 pm every Saturday. Themes are to be planned at meetings leading up to the Saturday. For confirmation that a march is indeed occurring (particularly if it isn't on the calendar), feel free to email obda@occupyboston.org, or stop by the DA tent to ask.

Veteran's Day - On Friday, November 11, Veterans for Peace has invited us for Veteran's Day activities. Starting at 10 AM, there will be gathering on the Boston Common, on the corner of Beacon St. & Charles St., followed by pre-parade pickets of Military Recruiting offices on 141 Tremont St., as well as the State House. At 12 noon, Veterans for Peace will be marching behind the "official" parade, in opposition to the ongoing wars and military occupations. There will be a post-parade rally at Faneuil Hall with speakers and live music. Contact info@massvfp.org (Veterans for Peace) for more details.

Bank Transfer Day - on or before 5 November 2011

Statement of Diversity of Tactics

Tonight (7 October 2011), the Direct Action group (in charge of planning marches and other protest actions) presented the following “Statement of Diversity of Tactics” as a proposal to the General Assembly (GA). The following statement was passed to ensure the autonomy of working groups and the cohesion of the entire community.

Our solidarity will be based on respect for diversity of tactics and plans of other groups. As individuals and groups we are committed to treating each other as allies in the struggle.
The actions and tactics used will be organized to maintain a separation of time or space to protect the autonomy and safety of the movement.

We realize that our detractors will work to divide us by inflaming and magnifying our tactical, strategic, personal and political disagreements. Therefore, any debates or criticisms must stay inside the movement to avoid any public or media denunciations of fellow activists or events.

We oppose any state repression of dissent, including surveillance, infiltration, disruption and violence. We agree not to assist law enforcement actions against activists and others.

The above statement fully agrees with the Occupy Boston Internal Solidarity Statement, opposing all forms of oppression.

In Solidarity,
The Undersigned



Ideas for Group Action can be found at the [Street Theater] working group page.

Safety - Law Enforcement

Occupy Boston Globe - DA events


obda @ occupyboston . org

Based on: Direct Action at wikispaces
