Citizens United to End Political Bribery (Working Group)

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Citizens United to End Political Bribery (CUEPB) is a Working Group formed to pursue goals related to getting corporate money out of politics.  We will focus on realistic actions in Massachusetts, but will also extend our efforts to nationwide politics when we can.  This wiki page and its subsidiary pages will be our place to collect information and discuss ideas before bringing proposals to Occupy Boston General Assembly.  Everything here should be considered a draft, unless conspicuously labeled otherwise.  To participate, come to one of our scheduled meetings or comment on the discussion tab for a page.  You can also edit a page, but we'd like to know who's involved, so please introduce yourself somewhere in some fashion.


Next Meeting will be:  TBD; Communicate through wiki and email for now. Email to join email list. Some of us will attend Move to Amend's meeting this Thursday, Nov. 17 at 7:00 Thursday in the Arlington St. Church (near intersection with Boylston St.)

Notes from Nov. 12 Open Discussion: SJR29

Minutes from Nov. 1


Next Steps Agreed on:

Gather interested people - People are invited to participate here and/or email to identify themselves as part of this Working Group. The Nov. 12 Open Discussion group recommends that we collaborate with existing activities on campaign funding by Move to Amend and the Coffee Party.

Collect and summarize information on the wiki - Edit the Background Information pages below (eg. Campaign Finance Legislation) to add links and/or summarize what's in a link.

Other Ideas Not Endorsed in a Meeting:

Decide if we support proposed state legislation Bill S.305 “Massachusetts Corporate Accountability Act of 2011."  If so, the next step might be to have Brookline/Brighton residents find outMichael Moran's plans for calling a committee vote on the bill.

Attend Move to Amend meeting against Citizens United, to be held at 7:00 Thursday, Nov. 17 at the Arlington St. Church (near intersection with Boylston St.) 

Attend (or watch livestream) Northeastern's Teach In on Sunday, Nov. 13 about the state of the economy, especially the afternoon sessions:

  • 12:30 – 2:00 Politics and economics: what went wrong?
  • 2:15 – 3:45 What can be done? Reclaiming our economy and our democracy.

Get involved in Move to Amend's Occupy the Courts on the anniversary of Citizens United (January 20, 2012).

Get involved in Public Citizen's Democracy is for the People action on the anniversary of Citizens United (January 21, 2012).



Background Information:

Campaign Finance Legislation (passed and pending)

Politicians and Candidates

Campaign Finance Institute (Nonpartisan? Resource)

Jack Abramoff: How to End Corruption (in

Groups Outside Occupy Boston  "We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United, and move to amend our Constitution to:

  • Firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
  • Guarantee the right to vote and to participate, and to have our vote and participation count.
  • Protect local communities, their economies, and democracies against illegitimate "preemption" actions by global, national, and state governments.

The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule. We Move to Amend." and "The nonpartisan national Coffee Party movement is a call to action, to make government more accountable to the people.  The Greater Boston chapter focuses on state and local issues, in addition to participating in national Coffee Party campaign.  We are currently working for passage of key state legislation in two areas: money in politics, and civic education."  Contact


Contact for Working Group "Citizens United to End Political Bribery"

Honi Sanders: sandersh6000 at gmail dot com

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