Press Release Ideas
Press Release Ideas
(please note if you've decided to start working on one of these)
Good Camp Story Ideas
- Good Neighbor Agreement. OK, we posted the agreement. Now why is it important? That it's a struggle to live peacefully without beating people or excluding them? Well, this is a story about how we're learning to live peacefully. ABout how we're doing things differently.
- Homeless People Being Productive Community Members. See Human Interest Stories below.
- Like the [library story], how about:
- The Spirituality Tent
- Medical Tent
- Free School
- Sign Tent
- Street Theater
- InfoTent, make this one about how fun it is to be a volunteer and how we need vols badly, please
- Clean up Crew. Mike Ippolito has done so much cleaning. Might want to do a story about him and his gal Julie.
- Safety Crew. Scott, the homeless security Santa worked the hardest part... the beginning. See Human Interest below.
- Logistics Tent. Please don't do this one.