Climate Action, Sustainability, and Environmental Justice (CASEJ)
This is the Climate Action, Sustainability, and Environmental Justice wiki page.
Mailing List: Click here for the signup page for our mailing list
Meetings: Our meetings are currently held Mondays at 6 pm. The location is not 100% set at this time. It will be announced over the mailing list in advance of each meeting, and (hopefully) updated correctly on the Occupy Boston calendar. When in doubt, trust the mailing list.
Draft Mission Statement
The Occupy Boston Climate Action, Sustainability and Environmental Justice Working Group seeks to provide a space where members of the Occupy/99% Movement and their allies can come together to help create a more just and sustainable world, locally and globally. We will accomplish this goal by:
- Educating ourselves and our communities about climate change and the environmental issues and solutions before us;
- Building Alliances within and beyond the Occupy/99% Movement, without regard for ideology or tactical preferences, to increase our collective power; and
- Taking Direct Action to confront the social, economic and political forces causing environmental injustice and highlight a new paradigm for life on earth, both human and non-human.
Upcoming Events and Actions
Add details or links here.
Meeting Process
Our process will be inserted here.
Passed proposals can be added here.
Meeting Minutes
CASEJ Minutes - Dec. 19, 2011 blank right now, please click and add!
This section is suggested as a place to put links to other groups we might be interested in collaborating with, learning from, etc., as well as links to articles of interest.