GA Minutes Sun Oct 28 2012

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Minutes for 28 Oct 2012


Location: Community Church of Boston
Note taker: Mike O.


Occupy Boston discussed the FAWG proposal on administration of OB funds and a proposal to reschedule OB and SAA meetings.


There were ten people present for the General Assembly and Strategic Action Assembly.


On 10/16, the General Assembly decided to move the meeting planned for 11/6 to 11/4 and discussed the GA meeting schedule and possible venues.


  • FAWG is looking for new working group members
  • vigil at Government Center
  • Interoccupy anniversary and conference call
  • Strike Debt community gathering being planned

Discussion on FAWG proposal

FAWG is planning to present a proposal to find a fiscal sponsor who will maintain the finances Occupy Boston on behalf of the General Assembly and wanted to get feedback from members before presenting a specific proposal. The fiscal sponsor would implement decisions made by the General Assembly. FAWG is recommending the non-profit group United for a Fair Economy serve as the fiscal sponsor. During the discussion, there was general support for the proposal but members wanted to get more information about possible options. The members agreed to make information available online and via email to members before the next General Assembly.

Proposal on GA/SAA meeting schedule

A proposal by Aria to hold SAA meetings at the Puppeteers Collective in Jamaica Plain on Sundays 5-7PM and have GA/SAA meetings only on Sundays in order to have a simpler schedule. The discussion centered on availability of people to attend meetings on weekdays and/or weekends and the need to sort out scheduling conflicts. There was no consensus on how to proceed so the proposal was tabled.

The GA was adjourned in order to reconvene as SAA.