Talk:Arts: Street Theater

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I'm bummed that my skits didn't get discussed. Is there anything I can do about it? I can't make meetings. I shared them with S. via google groups. Thanks for posting minutes.

Script: The Waiting Room

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The Waiting Room

Below, a location, date, and four characters to use as the basis for street theatre improvisation. Time & Place June-teenth, 6/19/11, Emancipation Day. Waiting Room of the Lemuel Shattuck Hospital of last resort, Boston, MA. It serves many incarcerated persons. It is not a public hospital. Characters A black man in shackles waits. An older white woman waits to have her ears cleaned. She’s deaf as haddock and not eligible for car at the Shattuck, but she went there because she figures its a hospital and it takes too long to see her doctor. She’s lonely. A woman sits behind the reception desk doing paperwork. She represents the health insurance companies. Jesus/MD MD The large crowd, including Occupy Boston, is commemorating Emancipation Day, in Franklin Park, just outside the hospital. Plot Notes The MD needs to decide which patient to see next. MD/Jesus and Receptionist confer about different billing plans, payment options, how much the MD will make from each patient.. This is where facts about commercial health care get across. The MD sends the receptionist to speak to both patients.Possible ending; the older woman says that the MD should see the black man first. OB bursts in and saves the day, Jesus on the shoulders of protesters preforming miracles. Dialogue Notes The crowd can be heard via bull horn. Crowd: Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Able, your brother? Receptionist/Cain said, “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?” Receptionists: Fill out this form and take a seat. And the Lord said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying...” Leviticus: You shall not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block before the blind... Proverbs; he who closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself cry out and not be heard. Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintains the right of hte afflicted and the destitute. The story of the good samaritan; Luke 10: 25-37 mathew 25: when I was hungry….I was sick and you visted me...I was in prison and you came to me... Corinthisans 12:25-26 we are one body

Script: Kissing a Few Frogs

Kissing A Few Frogs

Characters Soccer Moms with Yoga Mats/Spandex Yoginis: the wives of wealthy men who sit on their yoga mats at the beach worrying about their children’s health and breaking into song. They and their loved ones are the victim of the chemical industry; diabetes, breast cancer, ADD, infertility, cardiovascular disease. There’s one in particular, Mindy, who’s very scared that her family is next. Mindy cant’ get pregnant. Mutant Frogs/Hotsy Totsy Yoga Hunks: Mutant Frogs that transform into Yoga Hunks and break into song. The mutant Frogs want the Soccor Moms with Yoga Mats to kiss them. The Frongs promise that they will reveal a secret if the are kissed. . They are very charming for ughly frogs and finally one of them gets Mindy to kiss him. Plot Notes When Mindy kisses *Six Legggggg, he sings: I’ve have six legggggg for the same reason your family is sick. The Yoga Moms ar transformed into the Spandex Yoginis Occupy Boston Civil Disobedence Squad and kirtan band.The Spandex Yoginis get righteous and join the Occupation as the BPA assassins. They turn water bottles into stainless steel bottles w/meditation. The Hotsy Totsy Yoga Hunks spout yogic philosophy. Every one breaks into song. Dialogue Notes Frog 5.3Many vegetarians believe that not eating animal fats will keep the pollutants that cause terrible diseases out of their bodies. However, the evidence is mounting that the worst of these pollutants, Bisphenol A, is most likely to be found food packaging, as opposed to meat per se. Frog 4. 2The bloody fucking elites are poisoning you well fed nim wit, get off your fucking matt.

The Other Frong: Bispenol A (BPA) is now classified as one of the many Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) that cause metabolic syndrome, a disorder that encompasses obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. An estimated 27% of adults in the US are affected by the syndrome. BPA is found in the urine of more than 90% of the U.S. population. Individuals with levels of BPA that high have a fivefold increased risk of developing Type II diabetes.1

Frogger: They have you by the balls! Get it? It’s a hormone; it could grow breasts on a peice of moss. Do your really want in your families? And you have the money to pay for it!

The Other Frogg, Two.: The good news is that while we are constantly exposed to BPA from the linings of cans, plastic food packaging, and water bottles, eliminating it from your diet for three days can reduce the amount of BPA in your urine by 60%.2

Mindy: I don’t kiss frogs, I’m married. Frog: I’m a FROG!