- Report Backs
- Quick report back from Saturday Strategy Meeting
- Created spreadsheet of outstanding action items
- Possibly will create spreadsheet of incoming requests
- Facilitation Requests (Michael)
- 1 GA had been devoted to how meetings are run a few weeks ago
- Need help for some things
- Some people need to go out of their way to come to GA; want to know which topics will be on agenda
- ->Would like to post upcoming proposals to website
- 4 options
- Every GA gets own blog posts?
- Through Google Cal
- Through Wiki
- Editor status for page
- Proposal: Give Matt Editor access
- Temp check: accepted
- 4 options
- Want more input from different sources; want a joint meeting with Media WG
- Need more consistent livestream support
- Need livestream training
- ->Eli will take point
- Need livestream training
- User permissions plugin just installed!
- Joint Meetings of first Wednesday of the month
- The everybody list: Facilitation, Media, OBIT, Inreach should have meeting
- Rent
- Moving forward from March, how are we going to pay ($400/month)?
- GA dispensation only goes through March
- Use the monthly campaign donation for rent?
- Liam: No, that money is for campaigns and equipment specifically
- Original proposal was to contribute to E5, since we were using the space
- Radio is also renting now
- Lots of different groups use the Media WG space and computer
- There will likely be resistance to a proposal at GA
- Temp-check for whether or not we should continue to rent from E5
- Neutral to positive
- Have we ever talked to E5, as a community, about what's the "price tag" for OB for being here?
- No, not really]
- Do we use the desk that much?
- For equipment and only a few other projects; mostly, though, it's used by other groups, too; 90% used by other WGs
- ->Proposal to work on a proposal to bring to GA:
- Liam
- Deborah
- Media Requests
- Outside guidelines (>48 hours)
- Press release
- If they've written
- Blog post
- If they've written
- ->Matt will take point
- Press release
- 3/17 Health Justice request
- Blog post (pre) - Gunner write, Josh CE
- ROC (3/17)
- Photography? Deborah!
- Peace Parade (3/18)
- Blog post (pre) - Gunner write, Dan CE
- Deb SB covering
- 3 Strikes
- Bob = photography + writeup; Deborah CE
- Open House
- 4/2 ROLL IT!
- 4/2 ROLL IT!
- Volunteer delegation
- Interoccupy media call: 3/19, Monday 7pm (interoccupy.org/media)
- Farhad will find someone; if not, Gunner
- Weekly press briefing
- Various members of independent press, need media to chat
- Let's have rotating people
- Call is on Thursdays, 3pm
- Farhad will do it 3/15
- Eli wants to pitch mass texting story
- Red Banner
- We need to fix access to it
- Who will update it this week?
- John
- John
- Interoccupy media call: 3/19, Monday 7pm (interoccupy.org/media)
- OBTV meeting:
- Suggested next Friday, 7pm or Saturday noon to 6
- Joshua will take point on trying to figure out what's up with this
- AZ Library
- Needs external media stories on Media WG
- Farhad will put in touch with them
- Nominations for media.occupyboston.org email
- Josh, Joshua, Eli, Dan, Liam, DSB will be the first group of email checkers
- Josh, Joshua, Eli, Dan, Liam, DSB will be the first group of email checkers
- Hard Drive
- Temp check $315.49 for hard drive
- Liam will email Joshua
- Talking Points for April 1 and Other Issues
- We need talking points
- Talk about WHY occupying is a good thing, but none of the specifics
- Start open notepad for talking points / strategy
- What's still fucked
- Find out what's going on
- April 4
- Also create document
- Also create document
- Media Strategy meeting next Saturday, 3/24