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Media Meeting - 11/23/11

May first list serve

Agenda Intros Project management (SoftO Social Media (soft) Press Releases Proposal WIFI Equipment Calendar

Increasing the regularity of meetings

acronym sms

interfacing with logistics managing media aspects of emergency Media's emergency plan for staying up and running as media

Update on the media summit

Media vs the Boston Occupier Youtube matt larkin deborah serotkin butler/ amber paw liam

John m kendra jojo matt s gabriel martin montera tara eli

Project management Need to move beyond the emial inbox as a way to manage tasks

Need more regular tasks than email

DO not know for sure what is being done with a particular article

Horizontal democracy

We do need structure and we need to take ownership over certain things and be working on it.

In the past there has been push back in the context

Someone wrote a press release and put it on the list serve for approvala nd nothing was ever done

Needs to be a process for return and report

We do have a process in place, if people so not know what to do with press releases the tangible process it to get it to Gunner.

For the time being Joshua Eaton and then Michael Flowers

Two platforms to discuss specifically

Need for software of listings to assign to a specific person Getting more folks to get involved.

Giving contacts to Joshua and Michael to avoid the redundancy

(Matt L) Rotating task lists, someone who will assign tasks to people

Rather having things done by dispatch as opposed to putting it on one person

If a person agrees to do something

Could we display on a prominent website

Putting things up on the wiki

Rotating responsibility

Difference between beign authoritarian

getting away from the manager model to having a person serve as the manager for a long term period Dealing with mangement more according to how people are best suited to work

Everyone is a volunteer and we have other commitments beyond OB some days and people are busier

We should give everyone a chance to step up and take leadership

Martin showed and interesting platform (bettermeans.com) a horizontal project management software that is free or low cost

Software mangement is only as good as the energy put in

Statement of work

Work plans and strategyu Press releases

List of incoming work

  • Press releases
  • Video
  • Posts


No pay = no accountability and no consistency

Time sensitivity

Confirmation that a press release has been posted


If we have a press release that the email subject starts with :PRESS RELEASE

Once the press release has been copyedited, there should be a follow up email saying that the email has been copy edited. And at some point there is an email to confrim that the edited press release has been posted.

If the press release is not edited, then the email confirming publishing of the email

The person who drafts the press release walks it to the post Once the press release has been drafted and posted there is a process of confirming that the press release has

Send out press list with a cc to the list serve, to our own site and to the website

No problem with giving Matt S access to post on the website having proven that he is legit.

Randoms may not walk in off the street and post any old thing, they should spend some time learning the ropes before gaining access to putting things on the website

The question is who gets access and who doesn't

Eli found that getting access to the actual printing of copy to the website to be difficult

Difficult to get people to follow up if there are too many perceived barriers to access

If the poster is a list of posters someplace that we can refer to?

We need a regular list of posters.

List of tasks for each poster

Everyone has access to the wiki.occupyboston.org

Written word should have a different process Multi -media and video has a different process

having too many copy editiors waiting can become very inefficient

List of copy editors

The video team will call each other and try to bring in more people

We work together more closely

Video product and social media type video are often different styles of video

across the board list for who is who as far as specific skills from writing to audio-video to editing (electronic and written)

One or two are able to shoot video

It is more specialized

With in media, we hope that people are coming to the team with some type of strengths

Tara making a matrix sheet with functions for people who do specific tasks and talents

No one is in charge of media No one is taking vertical leadership

The fact of having no contact list was a process of having three lists

Changed platforms

  • Maybe put these things into a written form

PM=Project Management

Platform called hootsuit.com for tracking accountability

Costs six dollars amonth to have aprofessional account

Someone posted a video trashing the pope on occupy boston

John Accountability and having a procedure for dealing with complaints within media so as to not have people publicly called out in GA etc.

people feel things are getting responded to without an issue escalating to GA

Facebook and Media channels should be very fact based as opposed to opinion pieces

Within hootsuit, it allows you to coordinate the schedule for today with scheduled postings

Some things come up and hour or two ahead

For six dollars ahead, how many people can access the account?

Each user is expected to Pay? An enterprise account allows and unlimited number of users.

Most will pay a smaller fee, perhaps $50 a month.


I suggest you continue with the investigation and bringa proposal with better numbers

Martin With an enterprise account it gives you amaxing analytics (Stats on the site)

We must also be very careful of privacy policies

Cheap can pretty much be lifted

The benefits far outweigh the risks

mayfirst is highly accessible to hacking/ ok

Moving into the future we may want to make a time duration for each topic

Press releases

EX A great story happens and we cannot write it up because they are camp operatives and not writing at the moment

One thing that we will solidify is the contact list with people's skill sets

If we contact the specific person with certain skills

How do we fact check a press release?

Matt is on camp 24/7

There are people who come on site from different working groups and

Writing press release Eli Deb Gabrielle Kendra Johh M

Copy editing Matt L Gabrielle Kendra Dan Deb


3 WIFI links

General Camper Live Stream Media (OB Globe)

Setting up a computer in the camp with internet access We have the funding and we are working with financial accountability Clear 4G apollo

On that offers unlimited data caps for live streaming

The hope is to get one to try it out and then to purchase the other two

OBGlobe raised their own funds, they raised 10K in funds and should be able to pay for their own web access

They are a part of general media

When the equipment arrives we will test it out

We will have to have a safe for the equipment

We are looking into safes

Thes is someone who has a safety lock box for the media tent that might be good for protecting equipment

Equipment up and runnig whould not be out, but in a box with a fan.

Would people feel ok with Eli proposing to get some equipment secured.

Not familiar with the media tent and the problem of regular theft

Many people are having cell phones and equipment regularly stolen

We are all for research and report

We need batteries

We are also looking to make sure we have enough power to keep going while away from sources of power. Battery packs for in the event that we cannot stay at the location

enercells (mobile battery packs)

Solving investing in all sorts of equipment

One thing that should be flagged is potentially purchasing ipods for live streaming and video recording. This is a strategy for the event of an emergency so that we can still have broadcast quality cameras, etc.

Others have cameras but have not been attending the media team meetings regularly

The general crackdown seeks to have media suppression.

The Homeland Security people who laid down the law on the conference call made the specific point of blocking and removing the media V

Iconic moments and history should be a situation where we are able to record this in the event that there is a crackdown

A member from NY thouht we shoul have mobile ustream back backs

Iphone or smart phone with 4G linked to live streamin

Iphone on wifi

This is something we should have our eyes back on the ball with this.

They will also as done in San Francisco and other areas shut down cell service

New York, austin

Makes sense not to have equipment at home

W ehave a group of people who have been proposing a disaster emergency checklist

Three issues

Equipment security Camp security so we have the ability to record and transmit events if things are breaking quickly

emergency planning so medis can remain responsive with unforseen foreseeable events Planningn emergency drill for the event that we have to get out of the tent quickly

Protective funtion of being able to transmit as will

Weekly meeting on Sunday for the last two weeks at five pm do this for a few more weeks

Strategy and work plans

Notes on the list serve

The military shut down the airspace over the NY spaceStrategy is talking aobut this weekend the media summit and the women's day of action and the unity march

Who can post to the wiki and the calendar?


It is important that the GA is on Sunday at four

Five on the weekends

Someone pointed this out that meeting once a week publicly for a working group that operates at such a fast pace, we do not know what will happen with it.

We need some increased regularity of meetings

We need to use Skype

Matt S needs a phone

We need to meet more often.

We should meet twice a week.

The point of having more meetings than once a week are legit and it cannot be on Sundays.

One more meeting per week and each bubble can have a phone call. Two meetings and one bubble phone call.

Free conference pro anyone can set up

We should do regular memos every morning Here is how we are depicted and this is what we need to do

there has beena great digest of the media

We need to have a strategic summit (in the planning stages)

Three meetings works if we have regular weekly memos that we are all on the same page with.

We are willing to try to do the regular media thing.

Occupy Sacremento has a daily press release and complete control of the depiction of the occupation.

We should contact Sacramento to colloborate with them on how they have set this up

Tuesday nights they have a phone call with all the media teams of all the Occupations

They happen at the same time as GA so someone may have to volunteer to do this Tuesdays to stay in contact.

The calls and the notes from the meeting are always recorde and the notes are emailed the day after. You can still see transcripts and hear the audio.

Matt S is doing the live stream of the GA's and cannot do this

Is this inter occupy?

Inter occupy is a working group of OB.

Interoccupy every Monday they have a general phone call of all the occupations

They started breaking up into smaller groups

As up yesterday they may be further breaking down ot people who work specifically with radio, video, online, etdc

Three weeks ago live stream passed the baton to tech and took it upon themselves, they got a computer and live stream is a different working group

Tracy from live stream has taken it and it needs improvement

Regularity of meetings

We need a Wednesday at E5 at 7pm and Sunday at 3pm on Sunday (GA is at 5pm Sunday)

We need a regular location for the Sunday meeting. Email alysa at encuentro5.org

Bubbles need to take it upon themselves to schedule additional meetings

Media Summit will be this Sunday (11/27/11) 2pm to 5pm Regarding media strategy

Regularly on Sunday we will have a 3pm meeting

We have not yet secured a location so it is forthcoming

Cambridge innovation Center (CIC) Variety of conference rooms, the largest would be tight for 30 people

we may be able to hold this at E5 It is the most conveneient location

Summit, go to every working group meeting, tell them about the summit.

Representative from every working groups.

Much more informal Still drafting a draft agenda, the point is to be able to synthsize the problems had with media.

Power, accusations, legit problems, disorganization etc.

Direct action is starting their own media team because of the bs

Drama Splinter group drama

The problem has been that so many people who approach have no access to anything in the list serve.

Matt can only email the listserve into nowhere

This is about the accountability and the human contact to be heard

Relationship building. We should be intermingling

Do not be intimidated out of approaching anyone

Want to deputize two to three people from every working group to be a part of media

Youtube strategy

Emergency broadcast

Need to test the emergency sms broadcast

Do not feel comfortable doing this until there is a test

One way to receive the directions for where to go

Emergency sms broadcast/ Nadeem Taking into account that there will be no sms sent out until it is confirmed that there is a raid

Who has the send button? Who will the back up person be?

Matt has contact info for Nadeem

Youtube Strategy

Some bickering about updated content on livestream and Youtube.

One individual who does a good job of reporting speakers who uploads stuff to his personal account. We have reached out to him twice a month, there is some hesitancy about ownership of pics videos etc. Did finally get him and in the last 48 hours he has started giving the links and footage from youtube to the official website. He is going to do the legwork of reposting. Both selfish and frustrating.

We have capacity to do some recording on our own equipment so we have an assigned person to be more on top of it.

He has positioned himself to be the official free school videographer

In one conversation we might be able to be willing to upload the footage to OB

There is an agenda that come with that. Hard core members of ISO (International Socialist Organization) that goes along with that.

Speaker selection becomes very different.

This may require an intermediary.

Only official OB events or marches will be on the OB Youtube channel

He will pull the hierachical idea of this is or not right.

Videographer for free school events

We need better control of our stuff

He uploads the stuff to his personal channel

Would iphone level quality be ok to post up to youtube?

There is a camera that can do four hours at a time.

Who currently can post to the OB Media youtube?

Tripod is an equipment needs

Lectures on that stage and in that environement we have sound and lighting issues

We need higher quality equipment at night time

Anythingis better than nothing

Can we approach a person to send footage by email.

Raw footage can be sent online

Multi media has no computer and no editing equipment due to theft

If someone won't come here they can maybe send it online. Liam@occupyboston.org for info on footage

We need a better way for people. The on how to upload footage to youtube.

There is a limit on the size of files we ccan send

We need a more secure place for our equipment

We can solve that problem

Financial accountability working group can help with getting some funding.

We are working on getting a safe

Be the Media Conference 9-5 on thursday 89 South street at Third Sector New England $10

Focused on media strategies