WG/Strategies/CUEPB/1% Monopoly

From wiki.occupyboston.org
Revision as of 20:54, 4 December 2011 by Jennjoyw (talk | contribs) (First Planning Meeting Details for January Action: Wednesday, December 7th, 7pm at Biddy Early's Pub, 141 Pearl St., Boston - near Dewey Sq.)
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Go to WG/Strategies/Citizens United to End Political Bribery

FIRST PLANNING MEETING: Wednesday, December 7th, 7pm at Biddy Early's Pub, 141 Pearl St., Boston - near Dewey Sq.

This street theatre event is planned for January 20 at a visible location in Boston (not the federal courthouse) in conjunction with Move To Amend's "Occupy the Courts." Volunteers across the U.S. will lead the charge on the judiciary that created — and continues to expand — corporate personhood rights and again call for local and state resolutions demanding a constitutional remedy.

Activity in Boston is being discussed now. Ideas are welcome in the discussion thread associated with this page (see the tab at the top of the page.)

STREET THEATER MONOPOLY SKIT - A creative, engaging street theater skit based on the Monopoly game designed to emphasize the correlation between corporate funding, campaign finance and financial ties to lobbying, making the case that our politicians, the supreme court, and essentially the entire American Gov't can be "bought and sold". Seeking creatives to work on this initiative. Needed: Writers to help develop the concept into an even more hilarious poignant skit, actors and actresses including ideally a professional auctioneer, artists to assist with costuming and props, photographers and filmmakers to document the action, any and all interested folks who want to get their creative juices flowing and are willing to play a role even as simple as carrying a sign as a backdrop. :) A grant application is in the works for funding to make this piece a truly awesome experience that you won't want to miss! The skit will be done in conjunction with the other actions that weekend. First planning meeting to be held at 7pm, Wednesday, December 7th at BIddy Early's Pub at 141 Pearl St. near Dewey Square. Please contact Jenn via jennjoy75 at gmail dot com if you would like to be included in the planning but are unable to attend this meeting or if you have questions/need more info.