WELCOME! to OCCUPATION BOSTON's "Participate" Page. Here you will find ways to join in!
- [Click here for a great Activist 101 list of local resources]
- Occupy 101 briefly describes the fundamentals of Occupy Boston.
- [Suggestions for Individual Action]
- Strategies (Strategies, Proposals, Positions) - This Working group is dedicated to discussing societal issues, determining their root causes, and responding with actionable proposals.
- Optimistic visions - the primary idea is to generate a store of positive ideas that we can contemplate, share, and work to manifest.
- [BACKGROUND READING] on issues that brought us together
- [Occupy Groups in Other Towns in Massachusetts]
- [Suggestions for New Occupy Groups in Other Towns]
- [Lists to get on] to particpate in the discussion and connect with people
- CALENDARS to check out to find rallies/actions/events/film nights/lectures, etc
Find a meeting
Go to the Calendar produced by Media working group. (Click the agenda tab, it is much more readable then). This calendar agenda is also on the right side of the main site. Be sure to attend a General Assembly to 'see what democracy looks like' and help to develop a consensus. General Assemblies are usually at 7:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday and 5:00 on Saturday and Sunday, but they are in flux after the recent eviction, so check the Calendar to be sure.
- For more infoEmail Us. You can also email the InfoTent who are onsite.
There is also an Outreach committee for people to help spread the message and make contacts with other organizations.
Join a working group
Working groups meet at the Occupy Boston site and/or work remotely. They all have a presence on the internet with their own email listserves, pages on this wiki, twitter feeds, facebook pages, and other communication outlets.
Get on the Daily Update list:
- The Donate and Logistics pages on this wiki provide lists of items that are still needed for our continued efforts to organize and to help those in need. There is also a list generated by OBLogistics on twitter at!/OBLogistics
- At camp, check the lists posted by the Logistics Tent. (When you first walk into the Occupy Boston camp in Dewey Square from the South Station side you see on your left the Logistics tent.)
- To donate money, the main occupy Boston website at is the place to go. Currently on the right hand side are lists of various funds that have been set up for donations and links to an easy way to make donations.
- Occupy Boston also has a dontation box at large meetings, which are deposited in an accout at a local credit union.
- You may mail checks to this address:
Occupy Boston
PO Box 51162
Boston, MA 02205
Please make checks payable to "OccupyBoston FAWG". The FAWG is the Financial Accountability Working Group. For details about Occupation Boston financial matters, please contact the FAWG, or go to the FAWG Working Group page from the Working Group link on the left.
Join this wiki (click the link in the extreme top right). Then you can contribute content and engage in discussions. There are multiple groups of people working on documents and discussing ideas. Be sure to check the discussion tab on an page that interests you. See what other people are saying about that page, contribute your comments.
Interesting pages include:
- Occupy 101 briefly describes the fundamentals of Occupy Boston.
- Strategies (Strategies, Proposals, Positions) - This Working group is dedicated to discussing societal issues, determining their root causes, and responding with actionable proposals.
- Optimistic visions - the primary idea is to generate a store of positive ideas that we can contemplate, share, and work to manifest.
- The Outreach working group can help you to poster, or set up an information table in your town. It has a Graphic Design page where Learn how print the stickers to hand out during canvassing and to spread the message! Here is also where you will find ideas on you can work as a blogger or tweeter to build the movement. Outreach Committee meetings are Fridays at 6 p.m. by the Gandhi statue.
- Some working groups sometimes meet offsite or are actively collaborating with other groups. For example, the Labor Outreach Committee meets Mondays at 4:30pm at SEIU 615 to accommodate the labor organization members who wish to actively participate in our group process.
- Get involved in an ongoing project. Want to work on an encampment paper? Check out The Boston Occupier
Follow and Contribute on Social Media
For information on marches and actions, don't forget to join us on Facebook and Twitter!
Check out the Solidarity page for hundreds of Occupation related media sites.
Direct Action
- Participate in Bank Transfer Day - on or before 5 November 2011
We invite all passionate, informed persons to hold a seminar or teach a class. Please e-mail:
If you are press or wish to contact the Media team please e-mail:
Free School University
If you are an educator and would like to teach, lead a discussion, workshop or speak
Music and Entertainment
If you are a professonal music group or other entertainment (comedians, preference art, etc) interested in booking a performance
The Boston Occupier
Occupy Boston Globe
Signup with your email at to receive announcements for volunteering. Specific needs of working groups will also be placed here.
You can also email the InfoTent to receive The Daily Digest.
Archived aerial view and overlay of Dewey Square site
Visit The Historic "Occupation Boston" Dewey Square
Here is a map of the site as it was configured during the Occupy Boston occupation:

How to Start A New Occupation
See this page for[How to Start A New Occupation]