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January 30, 2012

Brandon is facilitator Forest taking minutes

Jeremey, Glenn, Chris, Rene, Ross, Brandon, Forest, Lefty, Tracy & Matt in attendence

7:15― Meeting Begins

7:18― Discussion of Agenda, Forest adds one agenda item

7:19― Discussion of tickets

  • People requesting Piwik user accounts.
  • Wordpress user management, still having segfaults. Ross suggests lowering user no. of admins. Brandon says we can just go in and remove admin status from some people. General discussion about whether we can have more fine control user user privileges (e.g. edit menu but not add plugins). Lefty takes ownership of ticket
  • Uploading from the UI should be disabled. YES! Lefty says 1st step should be to remove upload- based installs and upgrades, then to remove the other method
  • Livesteam/ustream aggregator. Brandon: basically a list of livestream/ustreams that are online with integrated chat (developed by Renee)
  • Compile list of links for FLOSS politics for community gathering in April. Ross: I added it. Brandon: educate people (Media esp.) on geek

politics/religion. Forest ross & others take it.

  • Set up a community gathering. Could be media, & OBIT or just OBIT.
  • Wordpress logging ability. Lefty takes the ticket.

7:36― Forums

  • Forest: how do we make this the product of collective knowledge
  • Is this going to replace groups?
  • Lefty: i found it disorganized. It needs to look like a forum, like PHPbb.
  • Ross; we are not using this meeting to critique the software, we first needs to find out what people want
  • Ross: we should have a timeframe in which to begin the survey (Brandon adds a ticket).
  • Lefty: We should have five things, asking what do you want?
  • Brandon: Should be more qualitative, instead of simply asking people what they want
  • Forest: explain that we are not adding another tool we are replacing & consolidating.
  • Ross: Consistent with what I said
  • Lefty: Letting people know we are open
  • Brandon: that's why we need a preface
  • A Ticket is made with a link to etherpad
  • Ross: ex. of qualitative question: what do you think would improve the communication with you & your working group?
  • Lefty: are we going to email this to all working groups?
  • Brandon: we'll take paper copies to GA & email bomb

7:51― Forest proposes to have open meeting on Sunday @ 7 with OBIT, media, and inreach to discuss process for improving website design.

  • Vote on Inreach and OBIT coming to open meeting?
  • Concern: Ross: we are already putting together another survey. Maybe we should focus on that.
  • Jeremey: so what happens after they suggest?
  • Ross: We develop a plan to implement
  • (Discussion about the platforms ppl are using now.)
  • Rene: setting up an etherpad would be good
  • Lefty: Forums --> Tickets
  • Lefty: Do we want opinions before setting up anything or should we set up a process and then ask for suggestions to change that solution?
  • Brandon: So we should just work on the forum survey for now?
  • Group decides to move ahead on forum survey, casually invite ppl from media & inreach, but not modify Sunday's agenda.

8:10― Google calendar plugin is crashing wordpress

  • Lefty: can we just ask media to disable the calendars and see if it fixes the segfaults?
  • We do need to get permission from media before doing it
  • Or just disable the plugin and put the plain old javascript embed code in
  • How often are these crashes happening?
  • every 2 or 3 days
  • Ross asks media if we can replace the calendar widget with Google embed code, gets approval
  • We decide to do it.

8:17PM― Donated computers: What to do with them?

  • 28 old Dell Dimensions with Pentium 4's, no screens or mice
  • We can take them and put them in storage now
  • Eventually make an open access computer lab
  • Jeremey: what about turning them into thin clients with LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project).
  • Keep them in storage. Make a computer lab some time. Seems like a good idea

8:24― Discussion of Ross' Twitter Project

  • Shows current active Occupy Boston Tweeters.
  • demo of the auto-tweeting softwar.
  • stores tweets in database
  • problem this solves is people posting things they shouldn't on the twitter as well as changing the password, so this piece of software makes it possible to take away the situation of having to give people the one and only password to the OB list. This way you can tweet to a dedicated OB account, which is then automatically retweeted to the main OB twitter. This creates more accountability. Also, no one except for a few people have direct access to the Occupy Boston main twitter account
  • two people have been working on this solution. Ross made one recently after we asked him, bill had been working on one secretly for the last few weeks. Lefty wants to use Bill's because it's more developed and not in Drupal
  • Lefty: or Ross should take the twitter app out of Drupal because it's possible that we might not use

Drupal and people are offended by the UI

  • Lefty: Bill's software is iFramed at occupyboston.org/twitter
  • Lefty: Ross, see if there is anything that can be shared between your and BIll's package. Ross: There probably is not.

8:40― Rene & the craigslist thing

  • Rene: a good idea would be to have some kind of jobs posting site or tasks posting site, likes craigslist except internal. These would be small jobs that would be paid for in money. The idea would be to keep out money internal. It's partly in response to the ending of the mutual aid working group.
  • Lefty, Brandon: We could do it through the forum software. I don't know that it needs to be a separate application.
  • Lefty: there may also be specially designed solutions for this.

8:45― Recon

  • Rene: unofficial recon working group
  • keep a list of known unmarked police vehicles
  • This application would log numbers & identifying data for police in a central database with IA (internal affairs) investigations and then make them available to all users
  • Set up a ticket for this.

8:59― Tickets

  • Tickets + Forum potentially mean no more obit@occupyboston.org

9:03― Meeting Adjourned