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Occupy Boston Rises In Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. While the Moral Imperative addressed by the Occupation Movement is embedded in the living world, the 'historical' origination is largely inspired by the social movements of the Arab Spring, in turn literally sparked by Mohammed Bouazizi's self-immolation. The Occupation Movement employs a direct democracy, in the aim of Equalizing the power of individual voices. This method of governance establishes Sovereignty within the People rather than an Invented authority. By the Refusal to wrench Sovereignty away from the People, the Movement effectively side-steps the potential for authoritative abuse.

Why We Occupy

  • Whereas We Perceive that the Current Socioeconomic System is Unequal and Oppressive; systematically Awarding Power and Influence To the Rich while Stripping those From the Poor, and
  • Whereas We Perceive that the Perpetuation of said System is a Declaration of War By the Upper-Most 1%, Upon The Other 99%,
  • The Occupation therefore Calls The Other 99% to Global, Peaceful Protest Until Revolution is Realized.

Tent City

Tent City is the physical Heart of Occupy Boston. It resides in Dewey Square, pumping creative, Occupation blood into the center of Boston's Financial District (right next to the Boston Federal Reserve and South Station). We Occupy this space to symbolize our malcontent with the current socioeconomic system. Tent City is run by voluntary Working Groups who organize to fulfill the various needs of Camp. Every person - from the bottom 99 to the upper 1 - is welcome.

How to Participate

The best way to get involved is to decide the meaning of the Occupation for yourself by consuming all kinds of Media.

Community Generated Media

The General Assembly

The General Assembly is a frequent gathering committed to making collective decisions based upon a 'Consensus.'

  • There are no governing authorities in the General Assembly; Everyone’s voice is equal
  • The Format of the GA includes time and space to hear everyone's ideas and opinions
  • The Assembly expresses feelings/opinions through various hand gestures
  • If timely Consensus cannot be reached, the party responsible for presenting/designing a Proposal is asked to submit a Revised Proposal at a later meeting.
  • For an Up-To-Date Guide of the General Assembly, view this [[@[|Google|Google] Doc]] employed by Facilitators.//


Every night at 7:00pm Occupy Boston gathers for a General Assembly, here we discuss what we think the movement should be about, what issues face this country, and what we think can be done about those issues. We invite all to come participate in these meetings. Whether you’re camping with us or just stopping by, we want to hear your voice!

Below is an explanation of the Consensus-making process for Proposals by groups or individuals at Occupy Boston’s General Assemblies. Reading this before coming down will make it significantly easier to get involved and join the conversation! We hope to see you soon.

  1. A 'Party' makes Names and Explains a Proposal
  2. A Facilitator then asks the Assembly if there are any Strong Objections or Friendly Amendments
  3. The 'Party' considers whether to
    1. Withdraw based on objections,
    2. Adopt any number of suggested Amendments, or
    3. Keep the proposal as is.
  4. The Proposal is restated to include all changes, and the Discussion process is repeated.
  5. If Consensus is reached, the proposal is adopted.
  6. If Consensus is not reached, but the Proposal is not Blocked, there may be a move to Indirect Consensus.

Indirect Consensus

Indirect Consensus involves a Mini-Debate and sometimes Small Group Discussion:

  • Debate: Three Debaters For and Three Debaters Against will each speak for 30-120 seconds
  • The Proposal is Restated, and the Assembly is asked for a Temperature Check
  • If Consensus is not reached, a Facilitator asks for Strong Objections to be stated
  • The Assembly breaks into Small Group Discussion for 3-5 minutes, and the Facilitator reverts to Step Two of the 'general' Consensus Process.

If consensus is not reached, the Proposal may be sent for Revision by a Working Group.

People's Mic

The People's Mic serves as Amplification where electronic amplification is not allowed. A Speaker dictates a few words at a time, then the Assembly (at least those within clear ear-shot) repeats the dictation. This is meant to guarantee that one's voice be delivered to the entire crowd.
On top of the fun factor, the 'forced' participation (by repeating dictation) promotes deeper understanding.