WG/Facilitation/GA Schedule Change

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Consented to by OccupyBoston General Assembly on 10/21/11

The Facilitators Working Group (FWG) proposes, starting on Sunday, October 23, that OccupyBoston move to a schedule of conducting General Assembly on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM.

The FWG proposes that all Working Groups hold at least one publicly accessible, weekly meeting, during one of the non-GA evenings, or on a weekend afternoon. The day and time and place of the meeting is to be posted on the OccupyBoston website, and made available to the Info tent and the Media scheduling boards. The meeting will be facilitated as a horizontal democracy using a consensus decision-making process.

The FWG offers its services to all Working Groups who wish to be trained in a consensus process, and, if needed, can help Working Groups with the facilitation of their first scheduled public meeting.