dec 28 2011
In attendance: Jay, john m, greg m, tara, Jorge, patti, Patrick, glenn, wildebeest, monica, eric, martin, Liam, Bobbi
Jay - did not get to requirements for use of the space Wk grp space etc
Recap of properties looked at: Jorge john and jay
Jorge - got an email from somebody at community gathering about what we would like to see in an HQ A number and info of a prop owner, I will forward his info to the grp
Bobbi - what kind of
Jorge - warehouses, etc so end: cheap, looking for low-maintenance tenants 617 332 1250 isaac beck
Greg: Jorge, want to call him?
Jorge - yes
Greg - we had talked about hey paul we want to go look at this number [Paul Johnston] We called already, the brokers will ask the owners if they will consider year leases inst of 3 yr leases
liam - he said it’s useless to these property-owners till we decide on organizational and payment issues There’s a 501c3 that we need to talk to [united for a fair economy, brian miller] if we show them that we have the money, they wd sign a lease?
tara: I’m anti-501c3 for occ bos; we would become a fundraising org, so we should partner w a 501c3 we would have to agree on some liability issues, eg insurance rider
jay - partnership w a 501c3 would have to be agreed by GA
patti - if it was united for a fair economy, they would be responsible, we’d give them the $
greg – I had a half-hour conversation at the media tent would you consider this? And miller said he “could probably sell it to my board” talked to haymarket fund, jp tidewss found might be interested in sponsoring but united for a fair economy is the only one who I’ve asked to sign a lease.
Tara - Language that you use in agreements w larger 501c3s is important under state law Loose wording, avoid certain terms
Greg - I think the pieces are be a little bit clearer about the uses of the spaces, money
Wildebeest - does anybody know what we will get for our money?
Patti - the office where I work is 5 6 7 8000/mo
John m - 25 / sq ft
Rachel - 17 is low and most of those places don’t look like places where you would want to be
Jay recapping last week
Uses: work groups, ga, etc
Signs, library
Especially access to a kitchen for food
Speaking to people who have been to ows, 2 main groups: sis [logistics] and food In the uses of space, e5 has 6 occupy Boston groups tonight, so wg space would be essential Space in designated area for info in the front so people could see when they come in 150 ppl cd fit in about 1200 sq. ft. incl stage [community church]
Wildebeest - has anybody seen ows donations, since the camp went down…?
Liam - They had a half million we had 50000
Greg - if there was that much space, if we use that 1200-1400 , how many wgs cd we have at a time there?
Jay - I had done a layout: 4 dedicated spaces 250 sf for wgs, and I had designated logistics, food, and media That leaves another 250-500 that cd be broken up to a couple of smaller spaces of 10-20 people in each I was working on an open space with partitions.
Liam - people want spaces for media, radio, etc to work
Greg - if we cd get those numbers down
Jay: ask how much would a wg require?
John murphy –
Greg I agree that there are core wgs that need space
John - the medics shouldn’t be sharing w the sign tent
Patti - there is a lot of space that landlords will build out to yr specifications
Greg - if you didn’t ask for that maybe they would be more agreeable to month to month
Bobbi - have we thought about what heat will cost?
Jay - some props I was just browsing say that all costs are included. On some leases, you only pay what you use Triple net lease, you pay association fees, you pay taxes, also snow removal
Greg - that’s the norm for a lot of office space
Jay - we spoke of finding a distressed owner, under threat of foreclosure, because no tenants for so long Probably more likely give a better deal
Bobbi - cd we find out if it would be foreclosed while we were in it?
Jay - would under threat
Martin - told about a tour that I took. I saw a church at Andrew Square station, big, open, space for gas, kitchen, office space, They’re willing to sell or lease, maybe the 3 of us, or anybody who wants to come I took a lot of pics from there It’s not abandoned, but vacant
Greg - on other follow up, raw space, owners will build out, we talked to our union friends, who are willing to do that
Jay - as long as you get permits, and have licensed ppl do it, owners like that
Patti – there are a lot of different technologies for moving walls and multiple uses.
John - From the door to the bookcases and to the door [here], about 1700 sf
John - 2000 ought to be the minimum
Greg - I envision a multifloor space
Jorge - are we assuming that
John - we cd just move the chairs away for a ga
Jay - we cd have gas in several neighborhoods
Jorge - facilitation is working on this in terms of a road-show ga…
Greg - the core groups who need space, logistics, medical, media, food
Jay - logistics, medical, media, food
Patti - my question is for medical, what are they actually gonna do in that space, because if they’re actually going to be practicing medicine in that space, that cd be an issue.
Jay - same thing as on a march, first aid and call EMS. In general, they would have information
Patti - but not like a clinic or anything
Jay - no, maybe first aid,
Greg – if there’s a thousand there, what’s a storefront size?
Jay - about 750
Greg – so about 3000 not 2000
John - is that the minimum we’re looking for?
Jorge - so do we know the potential rents on a 3000 sf space?
Jay - there’s a space in the so end, it’s 4500 sf, for $5000, sorry, its down Harrison ave, a loft How long will that last for this amount?
Bobbi - we also want space for a library, it’s nice to have a storefront, but we need to be sure it’s up to code. We can’t afford to buy stuff that’s up to code
Greg - we need a lounge
Bobbi - we cd sell flowers
Eric - by next winter, we would have a plan of business. Why can’t we have more autonomous actions? If it’s all occupy boston, there would be issues of liability. Locking into rent for longer than 3 months, not good. I have ideas to get us through the winter months I will get to later
John m – we cd have one place downtown where people cd go through and donations, and we cd have another place, like in jp, much less expensive If we go out of core boston, 99% chance that we’ll stay
Bobbi - I’ll explore Cambridge and Somerville
John - donations are down.
Wildebeest – let’s go back to what we had, let’s set up somewhere else, if it was good before, why not now?
Greg - I don’t think you’re alone, others have the same idea
Wildebeest – I would need some help I was an occupier not a paper occupier but a real occupier What makes you think they will pay our rent? Dude , were falling apart
Jay - the march aspect as the visibility, it’s almost impossible to do right now. Work groups aren’t working together
Patrick - you need the visual
Eric - occubagos would be visible. The other thing what about the donations of space.
Eric - till we get some
Liam - we desperately need something that’s high profile. As far as movement building, high profile, I think that it’s a death throw to move to a distant place. It has to be in boston and sustainable Wildebeest – you want them to pay charity for rent, food, we might as well be adopted
Greg - if there’s a space for a center, and there is also work that gets us out of dependency, that creates revenue, and acts as a magnet for people to come check us out.
Wildebeest – I love the idea, I just don’t think it’s feasible
Jay – it’s not charity. I was on the sidewalk every day. Thousands of people pulled up and gave us stuff and said it was because they couldn’t be here. It’s tough for the public. They don’t know where we are
Liam – the reason that I am really stressing the coop is because I’ve been part of two, in NYC, built housing for 25000 people, a café, a used clothing store. We just have to commit ourselves to that process I’ve also been filming with a coop in Venezuela
Greg - we need to be out of here at 930?
Jay - we did see the outsides, I have 30 on a list, and we found 13 more properties in that vicinity There was about 10 that I pretty much circled all the ones that had potential enough that we talked about them, so I took a note
Greg - cd you tell if it was more than one floor?
Jay - you could see stairways
Greg - what characteristics drove this top ten list? There was something that grabbed you about it.
Liam - I know the back story on rogers jewelry
Greg - I got a question for you guys. You’re poised to type this list up? It’s ready to go to paul so he could find a list of brokers?
Patti - when you go through a broker it’s more expensive because the landlord has to pay the broker
John - we should go to the neighbors
Greg - they will say talk to the brokers
Jay - there was literally maybe three main realty companies
Bobbi - do we want retail, industrial…?
Randy - did we talk to e5 and get their advice?
Liam - yes
John - so our next step is create a next meeting date b4 we leave, and should we make another list?
Greg - as much as I want to be here, I think we should expand a little bit
Patti – there’s a lot of empty office space in the north end; there’s one on causeway street empty for 8 yrs
Martin – here’s a website that will give you all the information http://www.cityofboston.gov/assessing/search/
Patti - also see registry of deeds
John - so does anybody want to go out and look at other real estate? Create another list. I’m just pissed that we don’t have a place
Eric - john you were mentioning places outside of downtown boston. How far?
John - kenmore has a lot of foot traffic, north station, other train stations. We’re spending money, but we’re not taking in money, we have no fundraising
Monica - let’s do fundraising
Greg - I disagree. We should find a place. We should figure out what we can afford and ask donors for help
Martin – there’s a difference between fundraising at dewey, $20 at a time, and big donors
Monica - we want big donors, it’s less work.
Greg - it’s pretty much 50-50 between the box and the wepay
Aria - I was a professional fund raiser for ten years
Aria - 20 percent goes to overhead, the rest goes to the cause. Fundraising gets you toward structure
Liam - we already have some donors identified.
Aria - Fundraising seems to happen without you realizing it
Greg - next meeting either Friday or Monday. Will we have anything to talk about by friday?
John - we could come saturday morning.
Jay - 4:00 Monday next meeting.