Free School Volunteer Page

Revision as of 12:19, 13 November 2011 by Eden (talk | contribs)
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Included here: FSU Needs List, Volunteer Questions, FSU URLs

Our Public FSU Working Group Meeting is Friday at 3pm-5pm. Check with the Info Tent 15 minutes prior for location information.

Free School University NEEDS VOLUNTEERS for the following:

- Greeters: people to meet educators, get them the microphone or help them find a place to teach. Gather white board, announce classes.

- Set-up/take down & storage,& post flyer at the info tent.

- Post schedule signs and make signs for up & coming classes.

- Friday 3-5pm scribe w/ a computer for our meeting

- Financial liaison for the Finance Working Group

- Research and write a proposal to the GA for a winter hardy, canopy/tent & see list below.

- Liaison to organize videographers for Livestream of our teach-ins

> Look at our exposure on the ground and on websites. What do 'users' see?

> Forum coordinators

> Also, If you have video of any of our classes plz send URL

> Help with wiki, list-serve, website developer, twitter, organizing all of the above.


Or contact us through our list serve:

FSU Needs the following things:

- A new sign, Schedule Board as ours is MIA. The old one was 8'long and spray painted bright, orange. With out a Schedule Board or a tent FSU only exists on the ground at the Info

- Tent.

- bull horn

- phone for on-site

- clipboards for sign-ups, orange dry erase markers

- Bright orange anything to designate our space: parachute cloth, flags ...


1. name and best contact info

2. Your main interest in FSU

3. skills look above for specifics as well as, list anything you would like to help us with.

4. when are you on site

5. When are you never on site

6. Good times for a mandated, on going FSU Working Group meeting

       (can't be Tue, Thur or Sat or Sun as prescribed by GA)
   4pm Friday
   4 or 6pm Wednesday
   Other time

7. time you could meet other than FSU working Group meeting

Thank you for your interest in FSU, there will be a meeting in the next 2 weeks to focus on expanding the curriculum of the school, especially focusing on forums and lecture series. And there will be a meeting of FSU videographers. May your labor be fruitful, may democracy prevail and non violence win the day, eden

FSU signature: Free School University is located in Dewey Square at South Station. Most classes at the north end of the square.

Daily newspaper, list of classes and other notes regarding FSU can be found at: OBGlobe: Most updated list of classes are at: FSU classes exclusive are listed at WIKI: Twitter:!/OccupyBostonFSU Facebook: