Queer And Trans Caucus Meeting Minutes - October 7, 2011

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Meeting 2 notes 10/7/11

hey folx!

here's some notes from the queer and trans caucus yesterday! no notes were taken from the beginning, so i'll go from memory. paul, plz forward these on to landon and ask him to merge the e-mail lists (and send us folks the notes from the first one)

    • we didnt pass around the email list until the end; if you know some people who were there and arent on this list, please few this/get them added**

next, 3rd, queer and trans caucus is sunday 10/9 @ 5:30pm


  • names and pronouns
  • recap of first meeting
  • name of caucus
  • black and pink
  • misgendering incident
  • vision for tent
  • purpose of caucus

recap of first meeting: -talked about hooking up in tent & at the occupation in general -people interested in it, but concerned making it an unsafe space for survivors; tabled it as a topic -briefly talked about queer kiss-in -use of tent -owned by stephanie skier, all good as long as no food, smoking, flames, shoes inside. ask before staying in the night. -lgbtq folks and arrest was discussed by legal friends. folks filled out arrestee forms. do exactly what cops say and stay on sidewalks to not get arrested.

name of caucus: -racquel (spelling?) had the idea to start the queer caucus, and there were some undisclosed disagreement. racquel doesnt want this group to use that name. -decided to change name to "queer and trans caucus" -concerned that "queer and/or trans caucus" might be more inclusive -***see attached image. reed (me) is taking a probability class, and sketched a venn diagram the way we do in class. "queer and trans" could mean people who are both queer and trans (like me), but it also can mean "queer people" and "trans people". given that, i think it is all inclusive****

black and pink: -reed and jason from black and pink, lgbtq prisoner support organization, described their work -asked to have a station in/near the tent where people can get a lgbtq prisoner pen-pal, and write a letter on the spot -people agreed to do it -questions about where it could go when people are sleeping, reed said he'd figure it out (likely going to be a weather proof tub)

misgendering incident: -adrienne brought up that friday night someone was misgendered on stage by a facilitator -adrienne had to leave, noone else was there, decided to table that till adrienne can provide more info

vision for tent: -talked about use of space/procedures for using it, including quiet hours at 11pm (also to be respectful of neighboring tents) -decided that folks who are there during the day can figure out how it will run, folks spending the night can figure out how itll run

purpose/vision for queer and trans caucus: we did a go-around to get everyone idea's out there, to be discussed/decided upon in more detail later

-transphobia in camp -increase trans awareness, distribute information (such as having a basket of info outside the tent) -host a trans 101 workshop -(i think this says Build a trans positive attitude at general assemblies) -spread the message of lgbt equality -folks want to be comfortable wearing cross-gender clothes -cross-work between caucuses (such as with poc caucus) -broaden discussion to reflect how economic injustice disaproportionately affects many lgbt folks (intersecting oppresion) -such as the intersections of capitalism, prison industrial complex, lgbyq folks -reflect on/move past white culture in the queer and trans caucus, -recognizing that while white culture does not accurately reflect queer/trans culture in boston -want this space to be inviting/inclusive of poc -put laminated informational posters on tent -work with other caucuses to re-write occupy boston's anti-oppression statement

Venn Diagram