Talk:Arts/Outreach/InterOccupation Communications

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I love it!!!!

I am an avid visitor of other "occupy's" around the region. I will be traveling over Thanksgiving to AZ, and have already reached out to occupyphoenix and occupytucson!

I would relish the opportunity to be something more then an autonomous member of OB... if we had a solidarity proclamation or something of the sort, we can empower "ambassadors" to read the proclamation and address the GA on our behalf (not to set policy, mind you, but for Q & A).

With the holidays coming up, it's absolutely in our interest to send "vetted" people out from OB to establish relations with the other occupies in a more officious way. By acting now, we can take advantage of some people's built-in travel time to reach out directly!

As an autonomous member of OB, I have traveled to and have contacts at OccupyWallSt. OccupyNH. OccupySalemMA.

I am VERY active on twitter, and have direct contact with most of the other major (and many of the minor) occupies around the globe!

Let's get going!!!!  :)