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Meeting Minutes
Group – Financial Accountability Working Group (FAWG)
Meeting– November 7, 2011 from 6:00PM – 8:00PM, South Station mezzanine
Attendees – Rene Perez, Rita Sebastian, Linda Jenkins, Eric Martin, Mike Petit, Greg Murphy, Lisa Goldstein, and B
Roles - Lisa Goldstein (facilitator) and Mike Petit (secretary)
Agenda –
Old Business –
- Post office box
- Safety deposit box for important papers
- Setting-up legal disbursement process
- Bookkeeping
- Cash disbursement policy & allowable expenses
- Forms for working groups
New Business –
- Fundraising
- legal structure (not discussed)
- On-site coverage for dispersing funds
- Follow-up on mediation
- Current status of food & money (not discussed)
- Division of responsibilities (not discussed)
- Who is a member of FAWG & how does one join? (not discussed)
Discussion & Conclusions -
Topics covered during meeting on 11/7/11
- Post Office Box – It was agreed that Rita Sebastian will hold one copy of the key and Rene Perez will hold the other.
- Safety deposit box – It was agreed that Greg Murphy will open a safety deposit box for Occupy Boston, FAWG.
- Legal Disbursement – It was discussed that this could be accomplished by using a separate savings/checking account that is linked to our existing account. Greg will investigate options with the Credit Union. The goal is to make a decision during our next meeting.
- Cash Disbursement Policy – Mike Petit will prepare a policy document for review before the next meeting. This will include a list of prohibited items (alcohol drugs, etc.). Completed on 11/9/11
- Forms for Working Groups –
· Greg Murphy will update the policy to show the operating hours for cash disbursement.
· #Fundraising –Rita offered to purchase a receipt book and Greg confirmed that they preferred payment method for donations is a check.
- Onsite Coverage for Disbursing Funds – It was agreed that we need more people to help with coverage from 12:00pm – 3:00pm daily. Rita agreed to help on Mondays, Lisa on Saturdays, and Mike offered to help fill-in on some weekends. Lisa will set-up a calendar and seek additional volunteers.
- Mediation – This was a point of discussion at the end of our meeting. The DBA is sill being held by the mediator since Paul contends that FAWG did not live-up to our obligations in the agreement.
- FSU & Wepay accounts – We discussed the need for a procedure to open new wepay accounts.
- Mailing Lists – It was decided that Rene will act at the administrator for all FAWG mailing lists and Matthew Krawitz will act as the backup (Lisa will transfer all logins/passwords as soon as possible).