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Occupy Boston  Profit & Loss
March 2012



4015 - GA Donations 691.76
4020 - WePay Donations
4022 - General Fund 75.88
4028 - Occupy Boston Radio 100.00
Total 4020 - WePay Donations $175.88
4030 - Donors 351.90
4035 - Donors - Boston Occupier 751.90
Total Contributions $1,971.44
Total Income

6000 - Civil Disobedience 380.01
6005 - Community Food 323.68
6007 - Community Space 180.00
6010 - Direct Action
6030 - Supplies & Materials 632.04
6040 - Transportation 20.00
6049 - Undocumented 97.96
Total 6010 - Direct Action $750.00
6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid
6090 - Transportation 488.00
6097 - Undocumented MAWG (1,053.00)
Total 6050 - FInancial/Mutual Aid $(565.00)
Total Community $1,068.69
6201 - Bank Charges 13.65
6205 - Bookkeeping 33.96
6210 - Communication
6212 - Data/Internet 250.00
6214 - Telephone 40.00
Total 6210 - Communication $290.00
6260 - Rent or Lease 2,013.00
6290 - WePay Fees 3.50
Total Infrastructure $2,354.11
Working Groups
6320 - Copying & Printing 830.00
6350 - Professional Fees 50.00
6360 - Rent or Lease 520.00
6370 - Supplies & Materials 123.25
6375 - Shipping & Postage 132.27
6399 - Undocumented WGs 600.00
Total Working Groups $2,255.52
Total Expenses

Net Operating Income

Other Income
7010 - Interest Earned 4.75
Total Other Income $4.75
Total Other Income $4.75
Other Expenses
Other Expense
8020 - Miscellaneous Expense (65.24)
Total Other Expense $(65.24)

Net Other Income


Net Income
Friday, Apr 27, 2012 02:03:34 PM GMT-4 - Accrual Basis