Citizens Resolution (Task Force)/01-17-2012 taskforcemtng,
City Ordinance
Depends on if there is money involved
Goes into a committee has to be voted on by committee then full body
Resolution can be brought up by any city councilmen then they vote
State Law (5 years)
On average takes 7 years if non-controversial
Most important thing is the language, fitting it into their fancy style
One city councilor will bring it to the floor, some will sign up to be cosponors, others will just vote on it
Every Weds at 12 noon
Sometimes they like to each have some sort of speech
Want to make sure they have some talking points, if they do talk to the press
So many cities have already done this
What does this mean to the city of boston
Look at media coverage from other cities – was there any backlash?
Diverse group of people
(at least one person from each district speaking to their city councilor)
Boston has two type: District area / City-wide councilor
Each person has one district area, and the four city-wide’s represent everyone
Gunner’s instinct is to get one of the city-wide’s to take lead on it
Whoever has the most will to do something like this – and isn’t all up in the casino stuff
Mike Ross is Eli’s councilman, good guy according to Gunner
Frank Baker is the “new one” Gunner doesn’t know what he’s going to be like
Bill Linahan is south bost and Chinatown
Research on each of the councilpeople
Might want to do Cambridge and Boston at the same time
- Pull together our ideal resolution [Laura]
- Talking points doc [Eli and Daniel]
- Identify at least 1-2 people in each of the districts [Rachel]
- Phone-in and writing campaign [once we have materials, Gunner]
o Template phone calling script [Gunner]
- Research on city council-people [Rachel]
- Blog post [Laura and Dan?] up by Wednesday
- Fact sheet [Eli and Daniel]
- Tentative call to action date Wednesday the 25th