GA Minutes Thu Jan 26 2012
GA Minutes January 26th, 2012
Copied from
Outward Bound Land
There is a prime location that people requests that people come to a meeting 5 PM Saturday E5.
Occupy Boston Skill Share Meeting
Shirt/Sweatshirt/Bag screen printing - bring stuff
6-8:30 E5 Monday (On Calendar)
Needs Donations: Fabric, Banners, Posterboard, Markers
Bring to GA or E5
Wants to make awesome signs
Mutual Aid
Tail End
If you want Mutual Aid write out your own or fill out a form
Response Notebook is being passed out for future improvements/critiques/criticism
Street Theater and Flash Dance
Meeting: Action Summit - Sunday Night
Lots of leaflets - new song
T riders meeting
Impact of cuts are heart-wrenching
Occupy has had a unified voice at the meetings
Attend to show solidarity and support
Call for escalating actions
Occupy UMASS has an eviction notice
Go there and support with presence
Idea: Research on what a spokes council is
Public Meeting: Saturday - 10:30 AM at City Place
Discussing: March 17th - evacuation day, St. Patrick’s, and Anniversary of Occupy
Modify the Assembly Process
Meeting Tomorrow 6 PM South Station Upper Mezzanine level
Work towards more engaging GAs and more reflective will
Currently: proposals belong to the proposer
creates dictorial power?
Future: depersonalize the proposal process as well as allocate power to the collective
There is a donation box
Notebook - We are unstoppable...
Write in it or flip through - apparently it’s awesome
Occupy Providence
Saturday 3-8 Art-olution
Includes a March from the encampment - People’s Park on Washington Street
Occupy the Cape
This weekend
Needs more People
Sleeping situation unclear
City Life
Auction Protest
Canvasing Next Saturday - more details next Thursday
284 Amory Street 29th 1-4
Walking Distance from Stoney Brook on Orange
Training and Prop Making event for Monday’s Rally - “Underwater mortgages”
Start: 50 Rowes Wharf continuing past Fannie Mae and end at Bank of America at 100 Federal Place
Financial Accounting Working Group
Slide show started with a dope picture of Dewey
Occupy Boston Financial Report
Slide show will be posted on wiki
- financial accountability tab
- scroll down - statements can be found there
- essentially we need to maintain and continue to gather funds/understand that we need to be exceedingly scrupulous with the funds we currently have as to not run through critical assets for overhead: GA’s, community gathering, storage for logistics, etc.
Participatory Budget Process
Initial Workshop
February 4th
Every Working Group should send an ambassador
Homework: Read Literature
- Identify needs and priorities as a group
- prepare to discuss what strategic goals will be accomplished via these expenses
- We can use this same process to allocate our other resources: human hours, solidarity, etc and how we can take our budget/resources and how to accomplish all that we want over the course of the next month
- the workshop will be online - WE CAN BE PIONEERS
Sherry - Thankful Thursday
- To have a more positivity
- There are so many great things that happened at OB and we should celebrate them
- POI - Facilitation added addendum to each meeting to discuss how it went and any other miscellaneous
Tactical SuperworkingclusterforceEXTREMEtemporaryworkinggroup
- In anticipation of an American Spring and the need to re-establish a public encampment - seek to exercise our rights! we need a public space for increased donations as well as eliminate cost for a greater number of people in the public forum - general assembly cannot take on all of the responsibilities of the entire movement.
- begin meetings to discuss future actions
- $7,000 set aside - ear marked so that it can be spent - for March 1st to invest in future of occupy boston in order to assure available funds
- military tents
- fireproofing
- making camp up to code - no violations
- maintain security culture
- controlling the flow of information where it needs to go
- give enough information to maintain trust without blowing cover
- meetings will be on calendar for how budget will be delineated in the future
- this proposal will carry over to Saturday’s GA